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Uncontrollable Shaking
Citation:   Anonymous. "Uncontrollable Shaking: An Experience with Cannabis (exp110069)". Feb 1, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis - High THC
I tend to smoke a bit of weed on a Friday or Saturday if I haven't gone out that night just to chill and watch Netflix or play some video games. This night it was abnormally late for me to be smoking (midnight) and I also had a bad sinus and throat infection. This meant I had limited breathing through my nose, a slight headache and I was very tired
I had limited breathing through my nose, a slight headache and I was very tired
due to the lateness and my illness. I did not feel relaxed and I was hoping that smoking some weed would chill me out and relieve some of my symptoms. Note that I hadn't smoked weed for a week prior to this.

I packed a small metal pipe with weed and then sprinkled kief on top of this. It was about 0.2g of weed and a pile of kief perhaps the size of a tic tac if squished together. I smoked this over the course of about 10 minutes out my window.

I was watching a show on Netflix and over the final 10 minutes I felt myself reach a level of high that I have only experienced perhaps one other time. I immediately realised that getting this high was a bad idea as I would be unable to sleep for some time. When the show finished I got out some headphones to listen to music though as soon as I lifted my legs they began to shake and I felt my heart pounding.

I spent the next 45 minutes breathing deeply as my heart felt like it was going ridiculously fast. I believe it may have been at around 180BPM. Muscles were twitching irregularly and it felt as though my chest was fully tensed though I can't be sure If they actually were. My blocked nose made the heavy breathing laborious.

At the time the effects reminded me of descriptions of spice but in retrospect I believe it was simply very potent weed due to how long lasting the effects were and how long it took to kick in. At the time I wondered if this was some kind of adverse immune system response due to my illness and given that I have never had a heart rate or muscle spasms this severe before I still wonder if it was. On a few occasions I've had a high heart rate or small twitches though they pass quickly; the duration of this experience is what scared me
the duration of this experience is what scared me

Once they passed I felt briefly like I was going to be sick though this passed quickly. The next 30 minutes I felt high but only a body and high and I had a headache that ruined any mental effect. At about 2AM I fell asleep; the next morning I woke feeling tired but otherwise fine.

I'm still uncertain why I had such a severe reaction or whether that truly was just weed. Other anecdotes don't recall shaking and fast heart beating lasting over 45 minutes as I do so my current theory is that my illness exacerbated the effects of a very high dose. I hope my experience can help someone else with this experience.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110069
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Feb 1, 2020Views: 1,376
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Cannabis - High THC (598) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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