Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Everything Was Taking a Very Long Time
2C-B & Hash
Citation:   Junkparah. "Everything Was Taking a Very Long Time: An Experience with 2C-B & Hash (exp110340)". Jul 31, 2017.

T+ 0:00
35 mg oral 2C-B
  T+ 1:00   vaporized Unknown
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis - Hash
  T+ 2:00   smoked Tobacco
A Very Interesting Turn of Events

It had been a pretty chill week. School was not as busy as usual so I had time to kick back. Me and a friend ('King' for future ref.) had been planning to smoke hash on Friday, as we usually do to celebrate that 'we had survived' another week.

I've had a really stressed period with work and school the weeks prior to this. I told King, that I had gotten my hands on some 2c-b. We have done 2c-b many times prior to this experience, and he was up for it. It was a Friday; the sun was shining and it was overall a nice weather (considering I live in a country with temperate coastal climate). We agreed to do it at his house so we would avoid any disturbing. Another good friend of ours ('Red' for future ref.) likes to smoke but doesn't like tripping, but he joined just for the sake of smoking. I arrived at King's place at 17:00 (05:00 pm) and we dosed around half an hour later. As for preparations: I never really prepare anything besides snacks, drinks and an environment where I am not disturbed by my parents, other parents and people in general. I try to isolate myself so that only my friends and I are together and no one else will be there.

T+30 min: I was having extreme chills and my chin was shivering (as usual, this always happens) and King was laughing a lot. Red was in the kitchen making a bong mix (in Europe hash is often mixed with tobacco, and so the tobacco is getting 'fried' in a pan to remove nicotine).

T+1 hour: We were chilling, vaping and eating snacks whilst listening to music in his living room and tripping. I had vivid hallucinations at this point and objects started morphing into shapes.

T+2 hours: still tripping and we decide to make some burgers, since we are hungry. Cooking while tripping was quite the experience and I quite enjoyed it. Prior to eating we decided to smoke some bong so we would get munchies and it would be even better. This turned out to be a pretty bad idea.

T+2,5 hours (30 minutes after bong): we finally sat down at a table and started to eat. Things got very messed up here. It was like that feeling when I wake up from a >1 min nap. Every time I said something it felt as if I had just woken up. I could not recollect what my friends had just said 20 seconds ago. Eating also almost turned into a sport. It felt as if I had to spend a lot of energy chewing everything and it really felt tough eating. The hallucinations were insane at this point. Nothing was standing still and colors started switching back and forth, for example: the wooden table would be slightly green before switching to yellow, following orange and then back to green.

T+3 hours: Time stopped. Everything was taking a very long time, or so it felt. Every time I had to something I had to devote a ton of energy and it felt as if I was talking for 10 minutes even though the time spent was merely 30 seconds. Hallucinations were as crazy as before but I had gotten used to it.

T+4 hours: The effects of the hash is finally starting to go away and I am getting more 'normal' and feeling like I am just on 2c-b alone. But oh boy was I wrong.
T+4,5 hours: it happened again without me smoking anything. It started happening to King as well, even though it had been 2 hours since we smoked. King and I sat down to talk but we were falling more and more away from each other, so I decided to lay down on the floor and look at the ceiling with my headphones on. I put on yiruma and everything slowed down. The hallucinations weren't as screwed up as before and I could talk normally. Time became normal. I went into the kitchen and made me some oatmeal and it tasted amazing.
T+5,5 hours: all hallucinations were gone both for me and King. We were both exhausted and had an extreme headache. After this I called an uber and went home.
T+6,5 hours: Usually I can't sleep after I have done 2c-b, but when I came home I felt asleep as soon as I got to my bed.

The following days I was very aware of everything, always checking if time was right and generally taking my time with things. I had some sort of afterglow where lamps would seem to blink very fast instead of just dynamically glowing. This went away 2 weeks after. I was also very numb after this and I felt cold like nothing really mattered and I had no emotions.

From this experience, I have come to realize that mixing 2c-b and hashish isn’t a very good idea and I will not do this again. Just thought I would share my 2 cents.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 110340
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 31, 2017Views: 1,392
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2C-B (52), Cannabis - Hash (93) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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