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The World Without a Blindfold
MDMA ( Ecstasy )
Citation:   Alias. "The World Without a Blindfold: An Experience with MDMA ( Ecstasy ) (exp11055)". Jul 8, 2002.

1 tablet oral MDMA
My first experience with ecstacy is something I find hard to describe, but anyways, here it is.

One of my friends from work was telling me about his first trip on E, and how much he liked it. I am an experienced pot smoker, but I was hesitant to do any chemicals. I thought about taking ecstasy, and a couple weeks later I bought a few tabs (with the intent of selling all but 1). As the days went by, I was selling the E and getting good comments from my customers.

2 weeks after I aquired the pills, I psyched myself up, and dropped one. I had an empty stomach, so the effects hit me in about a half an hour.

The first thing I noticed was an EXTREME buzz that subsided after about 10 minutes, leaving me with warm rushes going from my stomach, up through my chest, and all over my body.

Another half hour later I was peaking, and a VERY comfortable feeling was settling in on me. As I lay in my bed, grinning ear to ear, I realised that this was ecstacy.

At the peak effects of the drug, everything just seems to make sense. I perceived things differently, and was at peace with everything. This is why I beleive my first roll was like seeing the world without a blindfold. Everything is just beautiful, and everything feels right.

Be careful with ecstasy and other psychadelics, and ALWAYS buy them off of someone you know and trust.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11055
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2002Views: 4,505
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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