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How Have I Made It This Far
Citation:   MyHappyFace1980. "How Have I Made It This Far: An Experience with Cannabis (exp110615)". Sep 18, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis
A brief substance history before the experience. Before today 2002 was the last time I had ever done drugs. I had been clean of any substance abuse for 15 years. My health has been getting the best of me for so long that I have been scared to do anything, much less have an eye opening experience. I made one mistake, and that was underestimating the potency of this strain. I was sick to my stomach for a good while before it passed. It was too much for me, and too strong. This weed was no joke.

With a blunt rolled by my brother ready we go outside and I spend a little time in meditation before I spark it up. What begins to take place while we are smoking this blunt is the deepest conversation I can remember having with anyone. My tolerance is at square one here so as far as you know this is like a first time experience.

Within 10 minutes I am in another world. I am beginning to feel the effects of this blunt hit me like a ton of bricks. Everything I feel, say, and do begins to feel like a dream, but it's real life.
Everything I feel, say, and do begins to feel like a dream, but it's real life.
Me and my brother start having a deep conversation about things that nobody understands but us two. Out of nowhere I ask the question 'How have I made it this far?'. I promise you that I have never asked a deeper question in my whole lifetime and I have had 5 surgeries in the past 7 years, plus a near death experience with Pneumonia so I have came close to not making it a time or two. At this time I am bawling and letting so much out I begin to make myself speechless because what I am sharing with my younger brother is some real life stuff that needed to come out. After talking for a while longer I decide to take a nap because I am emotionally drained, and far away in another place.

When I wake up from a short nap I decide to order a Pizza, and watch some LIVE PD. I enjoy my meal while laughing at folks on tv getting arrested for various crimes.

Although this experience was rough, it taught me something. I need to be more open, and have more deep conversations with folks instead of being so quiet all of the time. It's hard to talk when life has humbled you on a level you can't begin to understand. For some reason I have made it this far. I have survived it all.

One day I will smoke weed again, but it won't be for a while. I have a great life, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110615
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: Sep 18, 2019Views: 582
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1)

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