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Spiritual Relief / De-Stressing
Cannabis - High CBD
Citation:   JuliaS. "Spiritual Relief / De-Stressing: An Experience with Cannabis - High CBD (exp111347)". Dec 17, 2017.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis - High CBD
Smoking 1 large blunt's worth of CBD ["1 Large blunt approx 3 CBD, 0 THC"] brings on initially a feeling of calm, slight relaxation of facial muscles followed by relaxation of major muscle groups throughout the body, later accompanied by mild sexual arousal though the latter may be unique to me as I have found this to have sometimes been the case with regular marijuana in the past.

Onset: 0-60 seconds, quick onset general feelings of calm, respiratory system feels slowed, unlike with THC I have not noticed an increase in heart rate, if anything I feel the opposite.

Peak: Starts maybe 20-30 mins in, as mentioned prior the relaxation of larger muscle groups is most prominent at this stage, serene feeling of calm, and happiness. Mind is clear, so much so that it is possible to work on something shortly after dosing, however complex problem solving becomes more difficult, whereas more passive activities like studying and reading are perfectly manageable as long as I account for the side effects of mild fatigue.

Comedown: Difficult to pin this down exactly, usually includes mild fatigue becoming more prominent so I don't really do this in the morning, although I have managed to use it before a moderately intense cardio session just with greater fatigue afterwards.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111347
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Dec 17, 2017Views: 2,522
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Health Benefits (32)

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