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A Very Fun Day at School
Citation:   Ocondy. "A Very Fun Day at School: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp111593)". Erowid.org. Mar 10, 2018. erowid.org/exp/111593

10 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
The beautiful lady Oxy. So it's a Wednesday, which means Spanish is 1H30M instead of the usual 50. In honor of it being the day after Halloween the teacher decides to take a nap and show us The Nightmare Before Christmas. I had recently acquired a few Percocets and figured 'this is as good a time as any'. So during our 10 minute break I took one, as did my friend Jacob. Jacob smokes weed 3-4 times a day and is good at pretending he's not high. So we get to class, I'm sitting next to a beautiful girl named Isabel, with Jacob on the other side of her. (This girl later gets mad at me for my continuing habit) So the teacher puts on the movie and puts some brownies and Coke in the back. (Coca Cola, not cocaine)
Here, I'll start the Zero-Hour format. I'll try to be a little humorous so you're not bored.

T:15M I'm in the class now and we're watching the intro. Tiny tingling, probably placebo.

T:30M Feeling pretty damn good, Euphoria sets in. Jack is sneaking into Christmas town.

T:45M Seriously wondering how the cops haven't been called yet. I'm acting stupid as fuck, and I'm talking a lot. The girl next to me is enjoying it though.

T:1H I get up to get more Coke in my glass and fall down. Teacher just laughs a bit and goes back to sleep. By this time everyone in the class knows I'm higher than a space shuttle. I finally fill my cup and spend 30 seconds walking back to my seat 4 feet away.

T:1H15M Boogie man is being a dick to Jack. Those 3 little kids are lying scumbags. Appetite is gone and I'm feeling NICE still. My friend seems to be very focused on the movie.

T:1H30M Effects wearing off slowly, Hot Girl is no longer interested in me. The End.

So that's my story. Oh by the way, this was a 10mg Percocet and was broken in half before consumption. Also, for gods sake I'm 14 and already addicted to these things.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111593
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Mar 10, 2018Views: 952
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Oxycodone (176) : School (35), General (1)

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