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The Unexpected Turn
Citation:   The Voyager. "The Unexpected Turn: An Experience with LSD (exp112000)". Jun 10, 2018.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
TIME : 7.15pm 02/06/2018

DOSAGE : 2 blots ~350 mics

I have done acid 9 times before this. I have had my experience with cannabis, alcohol, MDMA one time, datura one time. I am a above average college student pursuing Computer science and I am very interested with Artificial intelligence, philosophy, chemistry and science in general.

I made up my mindset before this trip by no one ever could have ever ready me for what I was to experience in the journey ahead. I took 2 blots with my friend who is 2 years younger than me. He took half a blot as it was his first time. My school friends A and F stopped by my home just after I took the blots. I told them to not to give any bad thoughts beforehand.

At about 7.45 pm I felt the acid kicking in. That surge of LSD through my brain rendered me anxious and excited. I started smiling uncontrollably.

At about 8.10 pm my friends left my place and me and R were sitting down in front of my laptop listening to music. The visuals had already begun to take hold. I couldn't place my thoughts in an ordered way so I let myself roam. After about some time, R was taking about this new feeling he was getting that he never felt before. I wanted to guide him properly but I couldn't properly shape the words as per I wanted. We were looking at my abstract wall painting. It has wavy shaped strokes in a ocean blue color. We discussed what we saw in that pattern and turns out we saw the same things, many women were embracing themselves in a protective way. I was baffled by the pattern conditioning pattern and suggestive power of our heads when on self drive. After enjoying the visuals, we decided to go to his place as he had good quality speakers at his place. So we displaced from my place to his.

I had been having temporal alterations at this point. We reached his place and we put on some music. I let him decide the songs as I was still trying to get back control of my mind. After some time, one hour or two, I was starting to get back behind the wheel... the best time in the acid trip. It's when I am still tripping but I can control the trip what so ever. We ate something and talked.

The one thing that hit me very hard was when he told me 'we are all one, and we are all connected'. I realized this thing by my second LSD trip but he got that in the first. I was really proud of him, and I think I guided his trip successfully while tripping myself, The Tripping Trip Sitter. Anyway we talked about life in general, pondered a little about life and death, what lies beyond this realm. We made up a theory about how people get crazy or deemed crazy. It's like there is an astral plane we can't see, but some people due to some inbuilt reasons or drugs, get into this bad negative or the shattered plane and their brains can't process this much 'disinformation', so they are permanently stuck in this plane and cannot get back to the reality plane. This makes them to be deemed crazy and they live through this living plane while their head is still stuck at that plane. Another theory I thought about is there might be a higher intelligent being who formed us and made us experience this consciousness, and what makes us humans human, is something that also made us so that we cannot comprehend what lies in that plane that the being exists. And we humans are coded in such a way that there are this 'bugs' in our codes, and those 'bugs' are the things that makes us human, i.e, unique in different ways. But yet we are all the same and have the same form of energy.

In this search for closure and knowledge, I hope I can at least get near to that higher consciousness. I hope my thirst for knowledge doesn't drive me crazy because my journey has only begun.
I hope my thirst for knowledge doesn't drive me crazy because my journey has only begun.
There are so many things to experience yet, so many things. This ego of our keeps us drifting through this ordered chaos in the same aforementioned way. Stay hungry Stay happy.

Now, this is about 11pm. This was when things took an unexpected turn. My mom had come from work. I came back from work and I was more talkative than usual. Finally while we were having dinner my mom knew something was not usual. I was also sweating. I revealed that I had taken LSD, and parents being parents, that too my mom being a doctor having an orthodox view about these substances and drugs, lost her cool. She became chaotic and we had our infamous 'fight'. I tried my level best to make her explain that I know what I am doing and I didn't take drugs without doing the prior research. But it was in vain. I also cried thinking about death and how it is approaching my grandparents. But finally I calmed her down and she went to sleep.

I couldn't sleep so I drifted through my thoughts and wandered. In the morning I got myself ready and went to our hospital's new unit's inauguration. I was in an impatient state and to go out in the real normal life while not being so normal, it's hard to keep level-headed. But somehow I made through it. It was ironic that I was on drugs, and I went to a hospital. But finally, somehow, after what seemed like ages I was back home, and I went off to sleep. When I got up I was still my extra conscious, but I was back to normal self, the old patterns and habits started taking hold. Yet in a certain way, every time I trip on LSD, I change parts of myself in a good way. But we have to be really careful with substances like this, as there is only a fine line between the vast unexplored planes of the consciousness. My next trip will be after a long time. Peace to everyone out there and keep spreading knowledge and information.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112000
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jun 10, 2018Views: 840
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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