Really Want to Take One More Pill
Cannabis (extract)
Citation:   asktheorb. "Really Want to Take One More Pill: An Experience with Cannabis (extract) (exp112268)". Sep 9, 2018.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral Cannabis - High THC (extract)
  T+ 1:02 30 mg oral Cannabis - High THC (extract)
  T+ 1:39 60 mg oral Cannabis - High THC (extract)
Now that delta-9-thc is legal up to 1000mgs in California I decided to try the edible capsule that was filled with precisely 30mg of the plant, including some crystals from the bud. I have prior experience with 4-Methylethcathinone when it was legal as well as experience with Kratom and alcohol. I drank a bottle of delta-9-thc infused blanc wine, but that was only 20mgs and the effects were barely noticable... I am 6'3' and 300lbs so that may have contributed to my not feeling much of anything.

I was able to legally purchase the 30mg pills, which come 12-to-a-bottle at the end of a long work week and am ready to hopefully get to experience being stoned on this new edible. I opened the childsafe bottle, took one pill out and downed with with a little diet dr.pepper on a stomach that last had a meal in it 6-hours ago. I have read the stories of people eating edibles and getting frustrated with the effects not starting after 30-minutes and then eating another dose only to have the first dose hit a few minutes later and then find it's too strong. I started the stopwatch immediately after downing the edible pill.

0h:00m:00s took the pill and started typing this report
0:17:20 have typed all the above and still do not feel anything / am still at baseline

0:18:01 my terrier mutt started barking on the other side of my house, noticed the sound of his bark seems louder and clearer than normal.
0:19:30 had to standup and go see what the barking dummy was getting so excited over... Noticed legs feel just a tick heavier than normal but am absolutely clear headed. Turn on the TV. Nothing good on so turned it back off.
0:24:28 not sure, maybe feel head getting lighter or it's just the dog barking again. Dog's bark definitely sounds like it's being broadcast in ultraclear high definition.
0:27:59 am maybe feeling like I'm slowing down but head is clear.

0:30:55 I am feeling the same frustration of not really feeling much of anything that others eating edibles report and the desire to take another pill is strong but I am going to wait until at least a full 60-mins have past.
the desire to take another pill is strong but I am going to wait until at least a full 60-mins have past.

0:32:58 heartburn feeling just started in my tummy, it feels about the same burn as eating a taco with tapatio hot sauce on it.
0:34:09 annoying heartburn feeling getting intenser and I have to go pee.
0:37:00 pain went away but am suddenly thirsty, got up to get water, legs still have that same heaviness sensation and noticed my forehead ever so slightly feels like it's getting thicker like when sinus pressure builds up but my nostrils are all-clear.
0:38:55 the thick / heavy sensations feel like a second layer was added to the weights. Am hoping the edible is about to really hit.

0:40:08 false alarm, was just my getting an erection at the thought of feeling something I cannot control taking over to make me high.
0:41:10 I think I may be slowing down and might be getting closer to having the real effects of the edible start to take hold.
0:42:30 the desire to take another pill is intense, I think I feel something and want to feel more of it / want it to come up faster like when 4-MEC starts to hit. But I am sticking to the rule and waiting for the full hour to come.
0:45:00 stood up to get more water and had the very mild sensation I might be wanting to throw-up a few minutes from now. Body felt lighter this time but the thicker feeling on my forehead is increasing now.
0:47:15 just looked at the stopwatch hoping it was closer to being one hour than it actually is, I really really really want to take one more pill.
0:48:08 definitely am feeling slower all over, really like this feeling, legs feeling heavier again.
0:49:15 just got another erection thinking I might be starting to get high.

0:50:11 FINALLY DEFINITELY FEELING SOMETHING MORE THAN BASELINE SOBER. Body and head are feeling heavy. It is harder to type now, slowing down.
0:51:41 am worrying this is a plateau
0:52:40 feel lighter and faster, no longer feel slowed down
0:54:00 feeling like want to go to sleep
0:57:20 am feeling something but am worried the dose is not strong enough for me
0:59:05 forehead feels warm from the drug

1:00:00 I want to feel more this but more intensely and am going to take another pill soon if this continues for much longer
1:02:00 downed 30mg pill and hope this really hits makes me truly stoned. This one smelled strongly of the weed inside
1:04:46 a new layer of slowness heavy sensation has hit. Hope more of this comes
1:07:19 definitely feeling slower all over, head is tingly
1:08:48 want to lay down on my sofa, laying down now
1:12:00 laying on side feels like rested afterglow feeling from sex
1:23:00 feeling heavier all over now, hope to be stoned soon
1:36:00 really want to take 2 more pills, stone feeling wearing off
1:39:00 took two more 30mg pills
1:41:00 stone feeling coming back! Laying down now
2:11:00 very stone feeling now
2:19:00 new heavier feeling in forehead and stoned
2:44:00 very stoned and tingly
3:08:00 going to bed

15:12:00 just got up, feel dehydrated and have headache in my forehead. The stoned sensation while sleeping was fantastic.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112268
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 46
Published: Sep 9, 2018Views: 1,350
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), General (1)

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