Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Introverted and Empathic in at the Same Time
Citation:   the rodent. "Introverted and Empathic in at the Same Time: An Experience with 2C-E (exp112490)". Oct 27, 2018.

12 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)

I was preparing this day for so long. I decided to take 12 mg (measured on a precision scale) of 2C-E. that day was a bright sunny day in my home town.

I want to say something about this setting. Here where I lived very few people care about psychedelics, of course there’s a huge variety of drugs use by people (coke, weed, alcohol, heroin and of course the most used and the favorite of my Italian citizen, tobacco) but nothing that can expend the mind in a significant way. The things that I really hate the most is the tendency of people here to classify all the drugs in the same way without any distinction. Another things that I really don’t like is the fact that very few people use the psychedelic in a respectful way, they think these substances are just another way to get really stone, I think they are a powerful tools to change yourself for the better if used correctly, but at the end of the day I’m nobody to judge anyone else, so let’s leave everybody to choose for them self.

I took this substance in my home 12 mg as I said before, it tasted very bitter. It took one hour to feel something. Everything was much more dark the color was much more intense, but that’s not the thing that struck me, what happen inside my head was amazing. I felt introverted and empathic in at the same time, I was thinking about the similarity between 2C-E and Dopamine, those structures are really similar, but one is synthetic the other one endogenous, one is psychedelic the another don’t. I felt in peace with myself and really curious about the whole psychedelic experience, in the first place why it happen, how could it be possible for a human being to experience this state of mind? and why the law was so against it?

The second question find an answer, when I came out of my house with a female friend aim to an exhibition called Real Bodies in a big town close to my house called Milan. The effect of the molecule hit its peak when I went to the subway, then I realized that the great majority of the people aren't really looking good. They seem unhappy, they looked condemned to a destiny they don’t like. What 2C-E made me realize is that those persons are unhappy because they cannot be what they really are. This society with all its dogma, rules and implosions ruined their existence. The human interaction is lost in this place, an electronic device called smart phone is left as substituted, we can speak with a guy in Guatemala but we find very difficult to watch a human being in front of us. The facial features of the people surrounding me were exasperated made the majority of them look miserable, I could see through them, beyond their masks, inside what they really are. That why our governors are so against this molecule and the experience that they gave us, the psychedelic makes you see through the lies they told us for centuries.

I realized that I will never live in a big town, I miss the green landscape and the peaceful quiet of my small village. I felt very alone in the crowd but I was with a friend of mine and so I could keep contact with someone, the loneliness didn’t bother me I was still with someone who cares about me and vice versa. I discovered I could speak and explain very well what I felt, the drug didn’t affect this capability instead improved it.
I discovered I could speak and explain very well what I felt, the drug didn’t affect this capability instead improved it.
I felt introverted and empathic at the same time, very strange feeling.

We arrived at the exhibition, it is a very curious show, there were exposed human bodies and human organs perfectly conserved, so I saw them in detail. What a beautiful and complex machine, I was really contemplative. I did explore every detail and I was so lucky to be with a girl who had a medical background and could explain me a lot of thing. The organizers give you an audio guide ( just if you paid five Euros of course not for free) if you want. I would suggest to them instead of the guide they should give 10 mg pills of 2C-E, this action gonna make the exposition and the audience much more curious and interesting. We spend three hours there, the time passed very fast.

The comedown was very smooth, no posthumous effect, I felt very hungry and thirsty afterword, I ate the dinner with great appetite and everything tasted good, meanwhile during the experience I didn’t have any desire to eat. No problem at sleep, even though I was full of energy the whole day. I didn’t have any dreams.

I’ve got some commentary about the effect of this molecule. it’s a really introspective substance and it’s not for everyone, the set and setting are (as always with psychedelics ) really important. I think 2C-E is a very mature drug something that you have to take after you’ve try other psychedelics in order to understand it. it gave me a powerful inner feeling and even some physical sensation ( the most annoying is that 2C-E made my mouth really dry, and also it made me feel hot, I will not use it in the summer). I found the experience very instructive and totally positive, I learned more about myself, society, the town where I live, the human behavior in general and especially I understood that there’s much more things to understand and much more space inside our mind that we have to explore yet. I felt very sad when I realized that in my country this molecule are confined in a very restrictive schedule and by now there’s no room in the research lab for them and even no interest in the medical establishment for psychedelics in general. I hope this is gonna change in the future, we need desperately a change and these drugs can give us a positive one. Less prohibition and much more education will help us to learn how to use this powerful substance and get better with them.

2C E is without any doubt a very nice and strong psychedelic I will do further investigation with the substance with a higher dosage, but always with attention, precaution and respect that this extraordinary molecule deserves.

Thank you to all of you reader and fellow psychedelic enthusiasts.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 112490
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 27, 2018Views: 840
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2C-E (137) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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