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The Meaning of life?...Well It's........
Citation:   hofmanns guinea pig. "The Meaning of life?...Well It's........: An Experience with LSD (exp11264)". Jun 21, 2019.

.25 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
My friend *G* had a house to himself for a few weeks and it was open to all freinds for parties and such. Every night there was about 10-15 people round and everyone were smoking joints, bongs, pipes and buckets it was the ultimate stoner household.I was there with my boyfriend *j* most of the time.

*J* had done acid before with *g* and a few other friends at a festival, while I watched in horror at the things they were saying and the faces they were pulling.

So I was there being stoned as I do, when *S* called round, now *S* was known to have many things available to him including E,Cocaine and Acid. He was talking to us and mentioned that he had a few tabs of acid with him if we wanted to indulge ourselves.

*J* and I talked about it and we had done other drugs before like E's and Coke so we decided it'd be fun, but I warned after the festival I only wanted to experience a small amount of the effects as he scared me shitless last time. He agreed with me and said the same.Apparenltly its strong stuff, it was called 'A HOFFMAN' we did'nt know what the fuck we were in for.

So we bought 1 tab and cut it into quarters, we both had a quarter each.

TIME: 10:00pm
We then sat down and waited for it to kick in.

One hour later and it still had'nt kicked in, 'it dosent work' we thought, so we had a nibble more. Then we got bored and went to the bathroom to talk, we talked for a bit and then decided to have a shower, all of a sudden *J* started to freak out saying he had grown ten feet and I was tiny and he was a giant!

So he had started tripping and I was bored and frustrated so I asked for more. No he said you'll feel it anytime now.
I was in the bathroom and I was doing what you usually do in a bathroom when I looked at a towel, the towel glistened and the strands stood up. From then on I was on a rollercoaster ride that wasn't gonna stop.

*G*'s house was a spaceship stuck in space. It was a lone capsule floating around the atmosphere, each room was a different colour and had sound waves which I could touch and move around and then distort sound and smell it. *J*'s facial features were pushed down right into the bottom of his face and he had a massive forehead. I was seeing mad, colourfull, and glittery trails come off my hand, my fingers were stuck together and were clammy even though *J* said they were dry, there were also insects circling my fingers that would'nt budge no matter how hard I shook them off. The stairs carpet changed colour every time I went up and down the stairs.

I then decided to do something meaningfull rather than sit and stare and be amazed, so I wrote, I wrote five pages of babble to my friend gem, (which my mum found later and went mad cos she's completley anti-drugs) about the colours and shapes and the haze that was surrounding me, it said stuff like ' did I say it twice?' and 'you can't hear me I know it'. I also said I had lost my mind completley and was never ever gonna come back. The letter was bizarre and it freaked everyone out.

We then watched a film 'The Waterboy' which seemed to be based on Acid (it isn't of course, its just a comedy) it lasted for about 8 hrs and had the same scene running again and again. Everything in the film related to Acid and I was amazed.

By this time the trip had just started to wear off, I was fucked.
*j*, *G* and I were sat down listening to comfortably numb by Pink Floyd and watching the unconcious stoners be unconcious when *G* piped up about a star he could see out of the window, it was now daylight and I told him there was no star, he said 'not a real one a mythical one' he then went on to tell us that the meaning of life is nothing, we live our lives and die to become nothing, we are born nothing, the world is nothing it's just there floating around a load of nothing. He seemed so animated, he went on, So that means that stars are nothing and if stars and life are nothing then life is a star and he looked at this imaginary star for a while and then seemed to pluck it out of the sky on his finger and it just that there on the end of his finger shining and glistening away, the meaning of life. I was absolutly amazed, I was dumbfounded, and then I felt so useless, so unsignificant, so absolutley pathetic that I was suicidal, I imagined the blood flowing out of my arms and dying and that it would'nt matter if I died because I'm nothing.

I thought and thought and must of sat there for ages and ages listening to the whole album again and again to figure out that I was something, that I was somebodies girlfriend, daughter, grandaughter and I was loved. It dosent matter that everything is nothing because I coudn't change it.....

And that was my Acid trip. I'm sorry if I tried your patience but it's good to share such an earth moving experience.
Acid is amazing, its mind expanding and emotional beyond belief. I'm glad I tried it but I would pause and really think before I did it again because I don't think I'll ever have such a good experience. And I can't ever imagine what a full Hoffman would do to me. It would send me insane I'm sure of it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11264
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2019Views: 801
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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