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I Appreciate Life Better Than I Ever Did Before
Citation:   WARD. "I Appreciate Life Better Than I Ever Did Before: An Experience with Cannabis (exp11299)". Erowid.org. Jul 8, 2018. erowid.org/exp/11299

1.5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
First time smiles

I would like to share my first high off of the beautiful plant marijuana. I had a friend that had been smoking for some time and I asked him to score us some good stuff. He got us abou 8 grams and we set into making preparations. I picked a varried list of music I enjoyed to listen to and stocked up on water and chips. When it was around 12 we snuck outside and packed a full bowl. He lit it up and I began to inhale the peperry smelling smoke. I began to caugh I was expecting it to be a little smoother. I didnt know if I was ever going to stop caughing, but after a few loud deep coughs I was under control. After we finished the first bowl, which took about 10 min, I felt disapointed cause I was having no affects what so ever. About this time my shins began to not feel the cold air anymore and things all around me seamed different somehow, how I can still not define but in my febal attempt at words it felt happy like in the good dream I dont want to wake up from. We smoked 2 more bowls and started to sneak inside. My head was a mess of questions, how to get inside, why did I do this, when will it be over, how can I get back to normal etc etc.

When we got inside I sat on the carpet in my friends room and felt somewhat like a frightend child. I was worried that I would be stuck in this new and interesting world forever. My body felt numb I knew I was cold because I was still shivering but I felt no cold air. I looked up at the ceiling, my movement felt slower than usual,the light on the ceiling amazed me in its brightness and imbedded its shadow (if you will) in my vision. I looked over at my friend and he looked completly differnt in the shadow of the light, like a super hero. I was seeing colors like little dots infront of my vission, green mostly, with purple making amazing paterns that I was transfixed by. At some point I said oh my God, not really for any reason just from sure amazment. I felt stupid after I said it and I hung my head in shame.

My friend turned on some bob marley and I was immediatly transformed into a different world. The music seamed to slow and speed up growing in my wonder. I felt part of the music like when I moved my head I was keeping up with the slow bobbing of the notes.The music seamed to bend I was truely struck by the wonder of it all. The music seamed to fade into the backround and I was sitting on the bad. I began to stare at the digital clock and it seamed to be blinking at me. I then became deep in thought about my life and how I needed to change, and how good I really did have it. I didnt realize I had been staring at this clock for 13 min till my friend smacked me. This is when I became nervous, and I believe my high peaked, about an hour after we started smoking. I felt like I was trapped and I needed out. I strained to feel normal and I found that with little effort I could. This reasured me that I wasnt that far out of my 'world'. After several min of making myself 'normal' I realized I was wasting the trip. The beautiful colors were still all around, and as I focused in on some mellow 311 tunes and closed my eyes the greens and purples that was blinking before now seamed to be waving to me in a very soothing manner. I tried to thank God for the wonderful expierence and hoped it would never end. I was getting tired and my head seamed strained by the trip, if you can call it that. I laid down thinkin of my life floating in and out of the 'real world' and my alternate world on marijuana. I passed out around 3:45

The next morning I awoke around 10 happy with a slight fuzzy feeling. The fuzzy feeling seamed to last most of that day but I liked it. I hoped it would stay with me but it faded shortly around 6 pm. This was my most intense and mellow high on marijuana. It changed my life in some little aspects, it helped me change my atitude which was bad at the time, and I appreciate life better than I ever did before that cold March day.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11299
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2018Views: 933
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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