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Manageable Magic
Citation:   Caltrain208. "Manageable Magic: An Experience with 25E-NBOH (exp113155)". Erowid.org. May 11, 2019. erowid.org/exp/113155

1.8 mg oral 25E-NBOH (blotter / tab)
1.8mg of 25E-NBOH was ingested at 6:10AM morning. Last psychedelic taken was 2C-B-FLY, three weeks ago. No other drugs used in the previous three weeks, or during the 25E-NBOH experience. Originally going to go with 1.2mg, but a friend who tried that dose not long ago told me that it seemed a bit lacking, so I opted for an extra tab (600ug/tab).

My mindset going into the experience was positive. It was the weekend, a beautiful spring morning in California. I drove (before taking the chemical) to a local wilderness area above the city, put the tabs under my tongue, and headed out on foot as soon as it got light out. It was difficult to pinpoint exactly when I started to feel effects because this psychedelic is so clearheaded and gentle. I’d say I got a first alert within 30 minutes and was fully immersed by the time an hour passed.
I got a first alert within 30 minutes and was fully immersed by the time an hour passed.

I wandered around the hills for a few hours, listening to music. Definitely a lot of musical enhancement, but not to the extent I’d get on LSD, where it feels like my environment is ‘performing’ for me. I had a lot of energy on this chemical and did not get winded hiking hills, though I am in good shape and hike frequently. By contrast, I had an extremely difficult time hiking on 2C-B-FLY, feeling lethargic the whole time.

Visually it was difficult for me to put my finger on what was going on with 25E-NBOH, there were some visuals, but they were pretty mild and didn’t strike me as particularly important to the experience. CEVs were pretty extreme though, intricate landscapes and a very immersive experience when I closed my eyes and meditated. I’ll have to pay better attention to the visuals next time I try this compound.

I ended up returning to my car around 3-4 hours after dosing, and my plan was to ride a small electric scooter (like the ones used by Bird or Lime) down the hill to my house. I quickly realized that this was a poor idea, these roads were much too steep for me to get close to traffic and I was still feeling the effects of the chemical to a great degree. Lyft and Uber would not come to get me, so I decided to run across the park, 6.5 miles in total, to a train station, and take that back home.

I occasionally trail run, and I’m not sure why I decided to try it out on 25E-NBOH, but it was incredible. I felt like a machine running through the green hills filled with wildflowers and wild turkeys. Upon arriving into the city with the train station, I arrived at the station and got on the train. I had no issues being around people, other than my pupils being huge. Approximately six hours after dosing I arrived home, feeling that the effects had diminished significantly. At the eight hour mark I would say the trip was fully over, and by hour 12 it was as though I’d never taken a drug in my life. I had a warm, positive afterglow that followed me for a few days.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113155
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 11, 2019Views: 4,196
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25E-NBOH (890) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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