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I Have Crashed 2 More Cars
Citation:   Krimbos12. "I Have Crashed 2 More Cars: An Experience with GBL (exp113178)". May 8, 2019.

  repeated oral GBL (liquid)
      Pharms - Pregabalin  
      Pharms - Tramadol  
GBL Addict

I was thinking of writing this for a while now. But I could never get it in my head (being addicted to something). I have my presc. Meds which I cycle to keep me high all the time. I'm very athletic and Healthy.

I've been using GHB way back like 10 years ago. Crashed and totalled 2 cars, passed out a couple of times at clubs....etc! Then I moved to another city and could never get it anymore. Now, since last year, I've gotten my hands on GBL, which I'm sure you know is what GHB is made from. That shit, is naaasssssstyyy....tastes horrible even when mixing it with anything. Anyway, I've been hooked ever since! I was in control, until I started mixing it with alcohol and my presc. Meds (Pregabalin, Tramadol). Since then, I have crashed 2 more cars! One major and one minor! I have passed out continuously for more than 8 a row. Every time we go out, at the end of the night, I mess up the dose somehow and boom I wake up in my living room, and listen to the shit my friends and family had to go through to get me there!

The worst was when I took a big gulp from a water bottle that was full of it by mistake. While DRIVING. I parked the car and finished a 1.5 litre water bottle just cleaning up my stomach. I knew I was gonna pass out so I switched with my friend who drove barely 100 meters and I was out. It was 9 pm. Woke at 4 something am in the hospital with my mom and a nurse staring at me as if I was dead and woke up. They were about to puncture my throat so I can breathe properly! There was a catheter in my penis because apparently I was complaining I couldnt piss (while I was not conscious). You would think that I would never touch that shit again but...............I did, and I managed to pass out twice in a month, which is believe it or not, progress. I am still doing it! But I'm taking a big vacation > 2 weeks and wont take anything with me......when I am back, I hope I can stop this!!!!
In terms of health. I am pretty ok, I keep testing my organs (Liver etc). But you never know what this shit is doing to you!

Exp Year: 2008-2018ExpID: 113178
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: May 8, 2019Views: 1,023
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GBL (89) : Combinations (3), Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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