Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Krishna's Magic Words
LSD, Chanting & Meditation
Citation:   art2121. "Krishna's Magic Words: An Experience with LSD, Chanting & Meditation (exp113258)". Jul 7, 2019.

1 hit oral LSD (gel tab)
Before I describe what happened here let me explain my background. I am a 26 year old guy who after having moved to California for 3 years to get sober, currently lives at his parents house attending school at an Oregon University for medical imaging. I also make electronic chill/hop style beats and really lose myself in it. I have a life history of drug abuse (mostly meth), however after a spiritual experience on LSD with some guys I met down in socal (obviously staying clean didn't work so well at first lol) I unexplainably lost the mental obsession to use. This isnt to say that it was immediate but if I were to graph my use you would see that there was a sudden and exponential decrease in use there after that trip, needless to say I credit that experience. That was my 4th time using LSD and the dose was 250 mcg.

At the point of taking this dose I was already very personally intrigued by the drug. This was because I had noticed on each trip that I began to see the same fractal like pattern which seemed to somehow reflect my personality in the pattern. I had asked my friends if they saw it but it didn't seem that they could relate and this very much frustrated me because it seemed to be that EVERY TRIP consisted of the SAME PATTERN
it seemed to be that EVERY TRIP consisted of the SAME PATTERN
. Well when I moved back up to Oregon a good buddy had some remaining DMT and since it was only a ten minute trip I chose to take part. I can talk about this experience later but the main point here is that after one hit smoking the DMT on a bowl of weed I saw the SAME PATTERN, and upon taking my second hit was blasted THROUGH the pattern and into the ego-death absolute mind fuck that is dimethyltryptamine.

A couple months pass and I go back to my buddy explaining how badly I want to research this next realm again. He tells me we can do a DMT extraction to get some more but in the meantime he gifted me a little gel tab (100mcg) of LSD. Obviously I was happy but didn't ever think that I would possibly have the profound experience to come, thus was a little pessimistic......

Fast forward to this morning, I knew I would have the whole day at the house to myself so I prepared a small breakfast, took a magnesium supplement and popped the tab at 10am. For the first two hours I was very disappointed because I was not getting any real trippy visuals. I went on a bike ride to a local park and could start to tell that my senses were being heightened but even then was still pretty meh about it. When I got home from the bike ride things would change for the better.

I decided that the little activities I had set up (coloring book, making music, blacklight in the closet to induce a night trip vibe) were most likely not going to be enjoyed so instead to relieve my anxiety something told me to go to the living room and try to meditate.... best decision ever
to relieve my anxiety something told me to go to the living room and try to meditate.... best decision ever

I noticed immediately that when I sat in the criss crossed applesauce thumbs touching middle finger and rocking back to forth that the visuals began to get more intense. I just barely saw that good ol pattern I was all talk about and I was excited but not convinced that this was anything but the progress of the drug finally setting in. When i stopped however the visuals went away and what I was seeing was just the same room I always see with the expected small ambiguity that LSD is of course going to cause in vision. but no pattern UNTIL I began meditating and breathing deeply holding the breath and exhaling. At this point I was catching on and I continued until the pattern exposed the face of my diseased grandfather... I nearly cried.

Bear with me hear it gets more interesting. I remembered someone I met telling me about krishna conciousness which I hardly understood other than the fact that there is a all loving god krishna and that it shares some eastern religion concepts like karma and reincarnation etc. I decided I would try the chant he taught me at this point.

So i started, "Hare Krishna!" I could immediately tell that something changed. The pattern began to get more intense and I felt like my meditation was ascending me vertically like an elevator vertigo type feeling. In absolute awe and now seeing my dog who was sadly put down years previously in the same room I was tripping, I continued. "hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna!" with each chant the rooms colors became more and more vibrant and the faces in the personality pattern I describe were nodding and smiling at me as if to say " those words right there my dear friend, are in fact THE MAGIC MOTHERFUCKING WORDS!"

I am still in absolute awe and feel that I have began the crusade to eternal peace with my loving god, who I'm pretty damn sure is named krishna now. Whewww. My take aways here is that all psychadelics are designed to get people to the same place, an understanding that god is there with you all the time along with the presence of all of your ancestors or something idk its nuts. lol

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113258
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jul 7, 2019Views: 745
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Chanting (456), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3)

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