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Very Good With Hash
2C-B & Hash (edible)
Citation:   Huxley . "Very Good With Hash: An Experience with 2C-B & Hash (edible) (exp113277)". Jun 23, 2019.

1 - 1.5 tablet oral 2C-B  
  30 - 60 mg oral Cannabis - Hash (edible / food)
This is a report of three explorations with 2CB. Two were with edible hash. The third time was just 2CB. The pills are the Super Mario pressing which has reportedly been assayed at 10mg.

First trip - One pill (10 mg) plus about 60 mg of hash dissolved in butter. No real visual changes but the combination generated the most remarkable immersive psychedelic auditory experience. Gorecki's 3rd symphony (included on the excellent John Hopkins Psilocybin play-list) was utterly astonishing. This was not "listening" to music. This was "becoming" part of the music. Also some accompanying moments of emotional euphoria and insight. Total duration about 3-4 hours. A very rich few hours, though it is hard to know how much of the experience was due to the 2CB and how much to the hash. I suspect the latter played a major role.

Second trip - One pill (10 mg) plus a little bit of hash (about 30 mg) in chocolate. Taken on a warm evening in a quiet London allotment. Not spectacular but a pleasant walk amongst plants and flowers with a slightly sense of enhanced colour and depth perception.
Not spectacular but a pleasant walk amongst plants and flowers with a slightly sense of enhanced colour and depth perception.

Third trip - 1.5 pills (15 mg). No hash. A walk in the woods on a warm late spring afternoon. A slightly too strong feeling of physical stimulation (something I suffer from with LSD). The beginning of some slight visual melting and shifting (more with peripheral vision than with direct gaze). No particular auditory enhancement. Some brief moments of euphoria (gently brought down to earth when I arrived home to my family still tripping). Otherwise no real psychedelic head space (certainly much less than with hash). Total peak duration about 2 hours with another hour or two gliding down. I would say this was very similar to about a third of a tab of LSD, though of course much shorter in duration.

Overall, 2CB worked beautifully for me the first time in combination with edible hash. On its own it was less impressive, mainly because of the absence of any real psychedelic headspace which for me is a critical part of the experience. Perhaps I need to try higher doses.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113277
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Jun 23, 2019Views: 2,186
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