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I Believed I Had Properly Identified It
Citation:   Mecky Mouze. "I Believed I Had Properly Identified It: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp113865)". Dec 26, 2019.

25 mg oral 2C-T-2
Misidentification Leads 2 Borderline Overdose

A friend of mine said he could get me 2C-I from an overseas, Chinese source found online that makes and ships research chemicals, along with paperwork that is plastered with the phrase “Not intended for human consumption,” as was common when ordering from these sources at the time. When I finally received the package I looked at the paperwork, and the name of the research chemical they sent was NOT 2C-I, I knew that much. Pulling out PIHKaL I believed I had properly identified it as some other phenethylamine (I don’t remember exactly what I thought it was at this time, 2C-E or 2C-D probably) though I would later discover I too had misidentified it.

When I finally decided to try this chemical I weighed out a dose of approximately 25mg, a “common” dose size for the chemical, and took it orally with a glass of water. The onset can only be described as a looming sense of danger. As the chemical increased its concentration within my body and began to take effect, I felt a sense of dread similar to climbing the first ramp of a roller coaster. That is to say, I felt myself quickly approaching a precipice from which I could not turn away. Whatever was on the other side I did not know, but it was sure it would be violent and savage. “This doesn’t feel right,” I thought
“This doesn’t feel right,” I thought
, “am I taking what I think I’m taking, the name listed on its info sheet was listed in a non-standard way.” While I still had control of my faculties I double checked PIHKaL, and realized I had misidentified the drug. I had taken 2C-T-2, and at 25 mg I had taken a “strong” dosage, not a common one. “Shit,” I thought. It’s too late at this point to evacuate the contents of my stomach, the drugs already been absorbed. All I can do is stay calm and do my best to get through this. I am lucky to have enough experience with psychedelic overdoses to know what to do to get through this.

The remaining bits of this trip report are taken from my entry when I was still misidentifying this drug. I am now sure it was 2C-T-2, as I found the chemicals paperwork recently and double checked.

At the half-hour point, the trip had started. Effects were racy, very similar to an amphetamine psychosis, but with stronger visual distortion and perturbation. Shades of Easter pink and yellow overtook the walls. Shortly thereafter I lost my depth perception. I could make things appear big or small at will. As an exercise I sat on my bed, looked in front of me and made the door grow and my dresser shrink. It was too much of a mind trip to handle that anymore, so I tried shifting my attention. Black holes began rapidly appearing and disappearing in my field of vision, lasting 5-10 minutes. It was extremely difficult to maintain balance, and from that point on I felt queasy for the entire experience.

I was forced to sequester myself alone in my room, due to an overwhelming number of visitors in my house. However, I noticed from hearing their conversations that I had lost my subjective viewpoint. Listening to their viewpoints, I held no opinion, but only listened to theirs. This allowed to perceive what they were really saying, what was going on in their minds, and frankly it was quite frightening in some cases. People are not supposed to know about these things so easily. The scary part is that states of psychosis tend to bring this out in people. Many people, especially us stubborn minded Westerners, need psychosis-inducing drugs to understand just how subjective life really is.

Anyways I digress and move on. From this point I began to self-analyze. It was a bit depressing, but not enough to really bother me. Although life had been shitty for a while I was content and satisfied with myself. A bit later, I had a desire to use my new mind frame to interact with people. Unfortunately my speech center was still shot to hell, and I was so dissociated from my body and ego that communication was out of the question. I realized I was so out of it I did not remember exactly when I dosed because I could concentrate on one thing long enough to add or subtract numbers. This scared me for quite a while.

Luckily I knew to stay in my room, things would be much worse off I chose to socialize sans ego. My mind continued to wander in circles… thank GOD for experience. If I hadn’t experienced repeat-a-thoughts with acid so many times before it too would have caused me to freak out. The experience eventually ended (perhaps at the 12 hour point?), and for a few after-hours, and maybe a half day after this I had slight loss of motor coordination and reflex, even after sleep (which was mildly difficult).

Although the experience was quite hellish I really feel as if I gained from it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 113865
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 26, 2019Views: 1,039
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