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First Time on the Seventh Heaven
Citation:   Vaniscaline. "First Time on the Seventh Heaven: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp113915)". Feb 9, 2020.

13 - 14 mg oral 2C-T-7
2C-T-7 – 26.6 mg (A)
2C-T-7 – 13.4 (I)

Background information:
2C-T-7 has been linked to three deaths that occurred in relative short time back in the 2000s. I regard this substance to be dangerous and therefore I treat it with great care. Signs that something is going wrong are: quick buildup of aggressive behavior, delirious state and turning blue (which can happen even after 4 h of ingestion). 2C-T-7 was quickly made illegal for these reasons and should be kept out of reach for inexperienced people with irresponsible behaviour.

Set and setting:
It was almost Friday. Both A and I had good enough reasons to celebrate. So we took the whole day off. We had foreseen a greyish weather with some rain in the region. So, we decided to stay at home, get comfortable and try out a new substance that we were curious to test for a while now. A and I are quite experience trippers. Who would be so careless to go in a 2C-T-7 experience without having experienced the classics already? We enjoy very much the art of psychedelic substances, talking about them, reading about people that take them, feeling and judging their effects in our bodies and most importantly, we enjoy spending quality time together high, but also as perfectly sober human beings. We do this because we are great friends and highly functional people that like to trip once in a while.

Preparing the potion:
12:30 - 40 mg of high-quality and tested 2C-T-7 were added to 300 mL of ginger beer. It took a fork and quite some patience to disperse all the particles, but it never fully dissolved. For the next time, I will probably dilute it first with a couple mL of vodka and then add it to the ginger beer. This would give the perfect London-Mule, a drink that Shulgin would be proud of. Anyway, we topped up the dispersion with some ice. A was brave and drank 200 mL (~26.6 mgs) of the suspension while I drank the rest (100 mL) which accounted for ~13.4 mg. When trying a new substance I am always overly cautious. Rather do it twice than failing to live through the first experience, especially with this one.

Waiting for the come-up:
12:40 – Our classical trip includes some form of activity.
Our classical trip includes some form of activity.
Like that, we can distract ourselves from the idea that we just intoxicated ourselves and reduces substantially the anxiety of the trip’s come-up. During our previous mescaline trip, we had the brilliant idea to clean my balcony and plant some seeds to welcome the Spring. I spent months waiting for something to grow after that amazing trip. It has been 7 months now and not even a leaf came out of each pot. I wonder whether we actually planted seed at all or were just plainly hallucinating.

For this time, we decided to do something more practical and delicious. A has a special chocolate cake recipe with a base of hazelnuts and almonds that she tend to top-up with blueberries. She knows this is one of my favorites.

13:10 – After beating the hell out the butter we have finally managed by now to put the mixture into a mold and put it in the oven. I am feeling slightly altered. I tend to ask A in sporadic time intervals, she said, “…not too much, I feel there is something there but it is very subtle. It can also be the imagination…”

13:30 – We moved to the living room. The room is looking bright, but everything is rather foggy. It took us a few minutes to figure out where we left off last time we were reading about Shura’s life and experiences. There is nothing I enjoy more than A reading out-loud during a come-up. Hearing Shura’s life makes me now feel very happy and comfortable.

13:38 – I don’t feel much but the funny thing is that I am not even anxious. Slightly enhanced, but barely noticeable. This is good thing because I tend to be always on the anxious side.

13:50 – We finally found the chapter we left off months ago. A told me that by now she stated noticing “refractive” patterns while reading.

14:00 – It has only been 10 minutes and I am feeling slightly anxious. Probably still coming up. I am warm and begin to feel a bit sweaty. Good news… the cake is done! We took it out of the oven. A’s vision is apparently more refractive which she explains to me are a merging between grew and pink. She also notices that some things are becoming more wavy.

14:14 – I am now feeling wavy, similar to LSD. I feel ok for most of the time, but I feel the activity of the molecule growing stronger. Up to this point, I am only very slightly intoxicated. But is definitely active at this point. Hearing A’s voice is very soothing and calms my nerves. I felt happy that we managed to turn off the oven. Don’t want to step into another reality while the oven is on.

I now feel like focusing on my breathing. It feels so relaxing. I notice the influence that the molecule have on my body which makes me feel even more comfortable. I close my eyes. I focus on hearing. I am happy I can go through this process.

14:30 – We feel in a heightened state. Started reading Chapter 7. I start thinking that the different effects on psychedelic drugs between human begins can be caused by the different levels of receptors in the brain.

14:37- Time perception is a bit altered. And auditory enhancements can be well felt. It feels very comforting to close my eyes. And once I open them, the lights seem much brighter. No patterns present yet. No nausea.

14:50 – I brushed my teeth. A kept reading Chapter 7.

15:00 – Some muscle tremors are present. Time is still moving slowly but surely.

15:10 – A is now +2, I am somewhere in a +1 state... and need to pee again.

15:21 – A is experiencing close eye visuals. “and perhaps some geometric patterns that can have depth to it, as some people say 3D, with green predominant color.’ We started listening to music

15:30 – E took a shower

15:50 – we had some cake.

16: 03 – I stopped eating cake because I felt a slight increase in nausea. We should be probably peaking now but the trip has not really developed in my case.
We should be probably peaking now but the trip has not really developed in my case.
Just a slight increase in anxiety. A is reading Chap 8.

16:17– measured my heart rate 82 bpm. Quite high for a resting state. I would look up the meaning of an increased heart rate but that would just add up to my paranoia, taking into consideration that we are at the peak of this experience.

17:07 – A did an amazing job reading. Hearing Shura’s experiences with 2CE was hilarious and reassuring. I feel like this substance is already peaking down, although you can never be sure.

17:22 – We decided to stop reading, made popcorn and put the 3rd movie of Harry Potter. With a nice smooth come down.

2C-T-7 proved to be a very conforting substance. Throughout the whole trip I felt like I was being pat in the back just for being myself. I was very doubtful about the substance and that's why I had some slight anxiety in the middle of the trip. I consider my dosage (13.4 mg) rather on the low side. I would definitely try 23 mgs next time. A seemed to have a good connection to the substance and more visuals. But probably she would like to consider 30 or 35 mgs next time.

However, due to the dangers associated with this drug, I would say that the seventh heaven might not be so worth it in comparison to a good full dose of LSD.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 113915
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Feb 9, 2020Views: 975
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2C-T-7 (54) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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