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Thinking Smart and Acute Thoughts
Hydrocodone & Cannabis
Citation:   tWiSt. "Thinking Smart and Acute Thoughts: An Experience with Hydrocodone & Cannabis (exp11418)". Jun 21, 2019.

2 tablets oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
A Great Trip

About a week ago I got ahold of some vicodin, I experimented with it one night by taking 2 of the pills, I just layed down on my bed and waited for effects, I had some slight euphoria, but nothing to speak of... So I decided to give up vicodin and stick to pot.

But then the next morning about 10 oclock my friend called me up and told me he had a quarter and he wanted to smoke it all at once. Obviously I immediately headed to his house.

But on my way out I realised I still had several vicodin pills left, so I decided to try them in combination with the pot.

Upon arrival I showed him the pills and asked him if he wanted to try it... He agreed, so we immediatly took 2 pills each, we then sat down in his room and smoked about 3 or 4 bowls of his grade a pot. Then we chilled out for about 10 minutes, when we decided we werent high enough he got out his stash and I got out my bowl and we smoked several bowls, by this time I was EXTREMELY HIGH... When he was almost out of pot we decided to smoke a few hitters, he got out his hitter and we took turns smoking them till there was no weed left. Then we chilled out for about five minutes and I slowly lifted into a totally enlightening mindset. My thoughts were blurry and unorganized, but I was thinking great thoughts and contemplating the new band I was planning to start, I then proceeded to go into the bathroom and throw up, I then came back and began to play his bass guitar. I was writing some really great stuff. This is when I realized I was experiencing double vision. I would look down at my had to play a different note or chord, but my vision at close range was extremely blurred and out of focus. It scared me for a second but I got used to it.

After about an hour I began to feel EXTREMELY SICK, I spent the next half hour continually going in and out of the bathroom vomiting. During on of my trips to the bathroom I forgot to turn the lights on and it was semi-dark outside so when I finished puking I look in the toilet and I saw water running over the edges of the bowl, it was overflowing. So I ran to his cabinet and grabbed a towel, but when I returned to the toilet (just seconds later) I realized that the floor was dry and the toilet had never overflowed. I realized that I was halloucinating (my first time) and thought it was pretty nice, yet somewhat scary. But eventually I began to feel better and I realized I had passed my peak and was really mellowing out.

I went home about an hour later and just chilled out like I never have before, nothing bothered me at all. I felt like this all day until I finally went to sleep late that night.

In retrospective, I think the vicodin was a great addition to my high and it really made things smoother. But the best thing about it was what it did to my mind patterns and my thinking, usually when I get high I dont think much and I am just all around 'dumb' but this time I was thinking smart and acute thoughts about life and music. I wrote some great bass lines on his guitar that I still use to this day. It is intense and at times it can be hard to control the high. But overall it was a good experience that I plan to repeat in the future.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11418
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 21, 2019Views: 939
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Cannabis (1), Hydrocodone (111) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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