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Overall This Was Relaxing and Enjoyable
by Kyk
Citation:   Kyk. "Overall This Was Relaxing and Enjoyable: An Experience with 2C-TFM (exp114562)". Jul 16, 2020.

T+ 0:00
3.7 mg insufflated 2C-TFM
  T+ 0:40 4.6 mg insufflated 2C-TFM
A Few Notes on the Effects of 2C-TFM
I was fortunate to be gifted this rare material by a dear friend and chemist. H-NMR analysis of the material indicated that it was of high purity.

Setting: Indoors, during a summer evening.
No other drugs or medications were consumed within 1 week before this session.

20:00 - 3.7 mg of 2C-TFM hydrochloride was administred intranasally.

20:30 - Little to no effects.

20:40 - Another portion of 4.6 mg was administred intranasally.

21:00 - Pleasant tactile sensations noted.

21:20 - Minor CEVs starts appearing as well as a nice and comfortable feeling of warmth.

22:00 - Mind is calm, and easily drifts away into fantasies. Enhanced appreciation for music.

22:30 - Onset seems to be over, currently at a +2 by the Shulgin rating scale. No unpleasant bodyload noted. Minor but colorful CEV imagery. Time seems to be going in slow motion at times. Overall I feel relaxed. It has been a smooth and stoning experience so far, where my state of mind does not invite to pursue complex thoughts or issues.

23:00 - Slight gastral bloating is noted.

00:00 - I believe I am starting to come down. I feel cozy and tired.

Sleep came easily shortly after the last entry.

Overall this was a relaxing and enjoyable experience where 2C-TFM felt like a loving and gentle caregiver. Compared to 2C-B, this material felt less pushy with no stimulative properties noted.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114562
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Jul 16, 2020Views: 799
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2C-TFM (359) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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