Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Once Was Enough
Citation:   Bratscheknabe. "Once Was Enough: An Experience with Heroin (exp11470)". Apr 28, 2002.

1 hit insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
After spending my youth staying away from drugs and being generally 'good', I decided that now that I'm 27, I want to try every drug. I love marijuana but I've been searching for something else. I had a friend staying with me ,'S', for the weekend from San Francisco. One night S, my roommate 'G', and me were sitting around thinking of how we would pass the evening together. We had no desire to walk outside on this cold and rainy New York night. We decided that I would go and buy some weed from the dealer on our street. (The old guy accross the street who's been on the block his whole life recommended the dealer to me.) So anyway, I bought 20 bucks of weed off the guy and asked him in passing if he had Heroin. He said he did and it was only 10 bucks a hit.

I ran back to the apartment and told my roommate how cheap it was and how we should buy some and do it that night. He succumbed and we did it. You see, G and I have always wanted to try Heroin, or Opium. We want to have every drug under our belt, partly to say we did them and partly just to experience other sates of consciousness, etc..

I bought two hits, opened one up and poured out the contents on to a CD gem box. I used a Metrocard to chop up the small light brown chunks. I divided the small amount of powder into two lines about an inch and a half long. I sat there for a while saying to my friends 'Oh my god, I can't believe I'm about to snort Heroin. Holy shit man.'

I finally got the nerve to take the Wendy's straw I had cut into thirds and snort a line. It kinda burned a bit, and smelled like dust,I don't even want to think what it may have been cut with. I only snorted one and waited for like 15 minutes, not much, just a feeling of warmth, like taking a few percocets. I sat on the couch next to my roommate and realized I could probably feel even better than this warm fuzzy feeling. I snorted the rest of the powder and waited. About 20 minutes later I was out of it.

I felt so good, so comfortable, I'm sure it wasn't as high if I had injected it. I felt a bit drunk and unsteady on my feet. But I felt so damn good. I could instantly see why someone could get addicted over time. I thought a while the first hour about how nice it would be to do this once a week, or on special occasions. Then the itching started!!

About an hour or so later after the initial onset I began to itch all over my fucking body. I was on the floor scratching myself and yelling at my roommate to snort the hit I bought him and to shut the fuck up. At that moment I hated my roommate, his voice was like fucking nails on a blackboard. My friend S, was getting on my nerves too, she was just sitting there and I hated her. I thought I was coming down and was going through withdrawals or something. I think the problem is that my roommate was just too active. When he snorted his hit and came under the effects, my itching stopped, and I felt better than ever.

G and I layed on my bed and talked about weird things while S was stoned out of her mind and passed out on the couch. G and I eventually stopped talking and went into this strange 'just before sleep state'. We both had really wierd dreamy thoughts that were very vivid. It was so pleasant, it felt like was floating in a dream or something, everything was warm and my bed, blanket and pillows were the most comfortable, wonderful creations made by man.

I didn't want it to end.

After we all laid around in coma-like states for 3 hours, I started to come down/off. It wasn't unpleasant except for the fact I couldn't get warm enough. I caught a chill trying to pee, and began shivering so bad I could barely walk. I jumped into bed fully clothed and snuggled next to my friend S. I fell asleep and woke up every 20-30? minutes, drenched in sweat, completely soaked. This wet on all night. My friend S said that at one point I awoke her because my whole body was kinda lurching back and forth for like a half hour.

In the morning my body was in horrible pain. I went to run some errands in the morning and could barely walk. It felt like every part of my body was arthritic. I could barely negotiate the subway stairs. I got home and went back to bed. I slept the whole day. S came in and woke me up but I could barely move. I thought I was a Heroin addict, even though the thought of it made me feel like puking. The next day wasn't any better and stayed in bed all day. I woke up at aroud 6 pm and my headache was finally gone. However I was still nauseated and couldn't shit, or barely pee, an I would get these random fevers/chills. I felt like I had the flu. My oommate G, had no problems at all. What the hell is that?

For the next week, everytime I thought about Heroin my stomach would turn. I have never been that debilitated before and was really scared for a while. It's been two weeks since and I've been still feeling sick every now and then. The thought of Heroin still makes e feel ill. Was I junk sick after trying Heroin for the first time? I don't think I'll ever try Heroin ever again. It just isn't a fun drug. All it did was put me out and constipated me for a week. Yeah I'm sure there's nothing like injecting, but no thanks.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11470
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2002Views: 103,882
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Heroin (27) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Health Problems (27), General (1)

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