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We Are All Each Other
LSD & Cannabis (extract)
Citation:   Aya G.. "We Are All Each Other: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (extract) (exp114772)". Aug 14, 2023.

150 ug   LSD  
    drops   Cannabis (extract)
I randomly ended up taking this combo last night. A little background regarding me, I began working with psychedelics over 3 years ago. The first experience being an ayahuasca ceremony. That opened the doors for me to work with many other medicines to help me in my healing journey. I only work with psychedelics in a spiritual/therapeutic intention. I have worked with pretty much every other psychedelic (Ayahuasca, dmt, psilocybin, huachuma, etc) more than a several times. Nothing has been an experience like this combo! Surprisingly the synergy between the two is amazing.

I've been wanting to work through trauma stuck in my body for the past several months. This combo helped release so much tension stuck deep in my body on a cellular level. I could push out the energy knots especially with yoga stretches so well. The experience itself had me slipping in and out of different dimensions/realms. At one point I was going to close the vertical blinds and I went to the opposite side of where the string actually is and I ended up in a different life as a mid west white mom with blonde hair in the 90s. That's when I really knew this was going to get interesting since in this world I'm currently an early 30s Indian woman.

I laid down on the sofa and had The Good Place playing. I recently began watching this show and thought it was a light, cute show. However, during my trip it was like watching a completely different show! The subliminal messages into our programming is insane!!! Every single innuendo, tone of voice getting lower or higher, it is all so intentional to make us conform to societal standards. To be a certain way to be "civil and normal". In one scene they all feel something is wrong with the black character even though he is the most grounded, calm, put together out of the rest. The subliminal message of looking at the black person as being in the wrong even when there's no need for that thought. Every single sentence in the episode had a programming subliminal message attached to it.

I'm not typically an open eyes visual person. I went to sit outside on the deck, it was just before the sun was fully setting, grey skies. I was looking at the clouds and began seeing sacred geometry everywhere in the sky. The faces in the clouds were all different deities from so many different religions/cultures from Vishnu, Mother Mary, Aztec art, etc. As I brought my head back to center I saw the vertical lines of the separate dimensions which were rainbow colours. Again, realized how intense this is getting so I went back inside to be by my husband who was holding space for me. We lit candles, put on some music, and just surrendered to it.

The knowledge I received of geometric shapes and patterns of the universe all made sense. The biggest understanding of this is everything is happening right now. There is no past or future. It's all happening right now but in different dimensions.
The knowledge I received of geometric shapes and patterns of the universe all made sense. The biggest understanding of this is everything is happening right now. There is no past or future. It's all happening right now but in different dimensions.
We are all each other. At some point in our life we are or will be everything else in the universe. If we live with that compassion of seeing ourselves in others and responding that way, we are essentially making life easier for us when we're that person. It's all a cycle that keeps recycling. We are taking different roles in different life times but really are exactly the same person!

I was able to see the structure of the universe, the funnels, etc and how we move through them. Time is not past present future how we see it in this world. Everything is happening right now. Your childhood is taking place right now, you are just the most present in this world currently.

A couple weeks before this experience I had a lucid dream where I was in a grey room. I was sitting at a desk working on something and to my right was a bed. I was alone and also wearing grey. I looked around the room and didn't see a doorway. I got nervous but something reminded me I'm dreaming so I pinched myself. I didn't feel it so I felt comfortable in my dream. Then I looked up and did see the door. During this journey, I saw the same room. It was like looking at an old film reel winding around showing me how all of our souls are in this grey room. We add colour and paintings, decorations, etc as we go when we have our lives and experiences. We have a grey blank canvas to create the experiences we want. We are our own creators.

I'm sure there was a lot more that I have trouble remembering. I do plan on doing this combo again and urge others to as well but definitely have a sitter. This is very important! It was very easy to feel I was getting lost in other dimensions. I was basically gone from my physical body at times. I've never experienced this with other psychedelics other than DMT.

If anyone else tries this, I'd love to hear your experience!

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114772
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Aug 14, 2023Views: 268
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