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Smoking It Isn't Really That Bad
Citation:   Terrence Shulgin. "Smoking It Isn't Really That Bad: An Experience with Valerian (exp114830)". Nov 12, 2020.

0.75 g smoked Valerian (dried)
About a week ago I ordered some pure valerian root; not an extract and not powdered. I made tea for the first couple nights (steeping for ~2 hours as I’ve read longer steep is simply better) and tried smoking it last night. Mine is shredded to about the consistency of pine needles, perhaps a little coarser.

To smoke it I passed it through an ice bong to mediate the harshness of the smoke and perhaps catch some of the valeric acid. The bong worked great and, although the smoke was still harsh, I wasn’t left with any noticeable pain after a glass of water. The effects were mildly sedative and I felt the onset within a couple minutes. I felt quite calm and slightly euphoric, although this could’ve been attributed to placebo I went into the experience not expecting much, so I believe it to be real. The smoke smells funky as hell; following this it’s my opinion that a strong tea is preferable.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114830
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 12, 2020Views: 1,293
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Valerian (48) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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