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A State of Exalted Light & Bliss
MDMA, Mushrooms, Ketamine & Cannabis
by Sam
Citation:   Sam. "A State of Exalted Light & Bliss: An Experience with MDMA, Mushrooms, Ketamine & Cannabis (exp114897)". Oct 5, 2022.

  oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
    oral Mushrooms (dried)
  0.5 tablets oral MDMA  
    insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated vaporized Cannabis (extract)
I was invited to speak at and attend a socially distanced festival during the time of Coronavirus restrictions, so I jumped at the chance. A number of friends were attending, and I invited a good friend and long-term tripping partner as my +1.

On the first night, having just finished setting up my tent, my zip broke, which given the temperature and forecast rain, rendered my friend and I without a tent. Luckily some friends had a bell tent and offered us a place to crash…the shared space of the bell tent made for a very different and very fun festival experience, and my plan now is to only attend festivals armed with a bell tent. This tent jump inadvertently led to me getting back with my girlfriend at the time whom I had parted with and ended up sharing the tent with which was an unexpected turn of events that played out during the festival.

It was in a beautiful rural setting, with lots of old oak trees, by some nice woods. Social distancing restrictions were in place, so a lack of cosy indoor places, and a lack of good danceable music. But in spite of this and understanding the situation, it was great to be there. Following a Friday night of 2C-B and ketamine (which I’d found to be a lovely combo before), which was pleasant but a bit of an anti-climax compared to my previous experience (I suspect down to dosage ratios). Our bell tent collective of five aimed to peak on the following night.

To get things rolling, we each had a bomb of MDMA. This put me on a nice cosy level (I’d not had any for a while, and it isn’t something I do much these days, and I like to space usage apart), and I had the intention of having a nibble on a few mushrooms, as through past experience I felt that the mushrooms helped buffer the comedown of the MDMA, while also deepening the high in a nice way, making the MDMA “fresher”, closer to how it felt when I was new to it.
I felt that the mushrooms helped buffer the comedown of the MDMA, while also deepening the high in a nice way, making the MDMA “fresher”, closer to how it felt when I was new to it.
I had a jar of dried, home-grown P. cubensis mushrooms, of which I ate four. I offered them to everyone else, and they each had a nibble on a few, my good friend Ben joined me in also consuming four. Given the dry mouth of the MDMA, the mushrooms were not so easy to chew, but they seemed to taste less offensive than they can do when sober.

A little while after this, we decided to bolster the MDMA, and we each had half a potent ecstasy pill. This really vamped up the MDMA, with the mushrooms in the background, and I was in a very pleasant state of being. I should also mention that we had frequent cannabis vapes during this time…I’ve found cannabis to meld beautifully with MDMA, and a few mushrooms. I really enjoyed the flavour of the vape, and using it side by side with a joint, came to find smoking them with tobacco was nasty by comparison in terms of both flavour and feel on the lungs.

At a certain stage of the evening, the other members of the collective departed to go out into the festival. Ben and I weren’t really feeling it, and we were content where we were in each other’s company. We decided to have a small bump of ketamine. We didn’t have much, just a little scoop that came with this mini stash jar one of my friend’s had in her possession. We were lying down side by side, with our arms just touching. I feel I should mention this as we both experienced the same state of consciousness after the ketamine.

We were both propelled into this very resplendent, beautiful, exalted state of golden light. It was a supreme state of complete and utter bliss, serenity and peace. It was unexpected and caught us both by surprise. With eyes closed there was this luminosity of golden light, and we both felt bathed and saturated by this and in this light. It felt like such a gift. It was such a rapturously beautiful and glorious state of being and consciousness. It felt like this state would be such a gift for someone suffering with deep existential anxiety.

We had a very deeply contented afterglow when a good friend’s face appeared at the tent door, and he entertained us and played some good music. We had a little more ketamine later and it propelled us some of the way back into the state of exalted light.

The next day, we had a nice contented afterglow and no comedown of any description, despite the level of decadence experienced the night before. I recalled a party the previous year where Ben and I had dined on a little ecstasy and some 4-AcO-DMT/psilacetin, followed by some ketamine. Alcohol scuppered my experience and I was very sick. Ben however described this experience of “approaching the golden throne” following ingestion of this combination on that occasion, leading me to suspect that there is something special and interesting about the cocktail of mushroom, MDMA and ketamine. While I’m in no rush, I’m definitely keen to explore this divine and delectable combo again sometime.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114897
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Oct 5, 2022Views: 486
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MDMA (3), Mushrooms (39), Ketamine (31), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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