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Unsettling and Disturbing
Citation:   Diddly Dankwurter. "Unsettling and Disturbing: An Experience with 25E-NBOH (exp114995)". Dec 5, 2020.

[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
An Unsettling and Disturbing Experience

I'm a long term, on and off, user and occasional abuser of a wide range of substances. I like to trip and I consider myself a pretty experienced user of hallucinogens.

The opportunity came to acquire some 25E-NBOH as a decent price from a reputable source, and 25E was on my to do list, so I ordered, so it came.

I have a four-point balance, so no issues with straight measurement. First couple of times with the 25E, 500ug, thought it was okay but nothing special.
First couple of times with the 25E, 500ug, thought it was okay but nothing special.
Then, comfortable with it, I upped to 1mg. Okay, that was definitely a more involved experience. 1.5mg, even more betterer, lovely visuals and music was great. So, after a three-week break from everything except 5-HPT, I set the controls for maximum yeet and weighted out a 4mg dose.

Come up was very fast – zero tolerance, nothing else at all in system. I had enough time to put on some tunes, then just barely enough to understand that tunes were bad and kill them before the visuals lurched abruptly into 8B with no warning, in a level of such complex depth that I’ve never seen, not even with DMT. Basically blind at this point, lying face down on the couch and hanging on like grim death. The whole thing just got too dreadfully huge to look at any more and I mentally closed my eyes and that’s where I went into the diddly-donk land.

The pinky plong shadows with their weird round shapes played in two-dimensional planes. A jug-toad laughed and wheeled around this, jeering ‘Diddly! Diddly Dankwurter! Diddly Dankwurter!’

Doctor Nose sprang up and tried to point but it was not his time and away he clipped and then I met a small Gront, “SEE! WITH THIS I CAN MAKE!”

With those words Gront-kind sprang from the air and they built and they built, upwards, from the inside to the out. With only a single knuckle apiece, but consummate cooperation, they soon became a more civilised race, building a vast city over the course of many years, with a most marvellous tower, that spread them far out beyond the diddly-donk land.

Their force then spent, they all dropped stone dead to the ground, yet for one who lingered on still. I gently caressed his weather worn fronds, “Why do you stay yet, old one?”

“I wish you to watch me as I witness the last, and then stranger, you must certainly be gone
You must start bottom up, and work your way back, old Doctor Nose will agree
From the inside to the out, gather up, put it back
And now, dear stranger, I must let you be.”

With that he exhaled his final mighty breath and the colourful fronds drooped and turned gray. I bathed his cold head in my warm embrace, and my tears rained down on his dear Gronty face. I knew then it was time to be leaving this place, where the pinky-plongs play, and the thing-face laughs ‘Diddly Dankwurter!”

The pinky-plongs loomed, with their queer circular shapes and made their strange chiming noise. They would not willingly let me build up, inside to the out, they refused to grant me escape.

With their rubbery-bands and clammy black hands, they clung fast upon me, and I grew fainter, and fainter still, until I reached for the thimble-switch and twisting it hard in four different planes at once, was dropped into utter black void.

There was no time, no space, not even a trace. Nothing was there, and nothing I was, I knew not even that much, and far less.

I waited for years, I waited for scores, for instructions on what to do next. The longer it took, the more scared I got, and the more of me became even less.

But I found the prime constant, that down was always down, tested it every which way and this proved to be always true. And from that I could sit, holding hard to the thought, that old Doctor Nose would come through. He did not, but I realised, that I’d become him, and my nose pointed true outwards at ninety-ninety of degrees, and from there, bit by bit, I build my way upwards, from the inside to the outward, so slow, so slow, yet each new branch being true, with not one falling back, not a single mistake. And I rose back to the real, and remembered that I’m me.

Emerging back into the real from the void I was still blinded by visuals at this stage and extremely disoriented. I knew that much, much time had passed – centuries – during my plunge into the diddly-donk, but I also knew how to logic again, and could infer that the absence of shit in my pants probably meant only hours of sidereal time had passed while my relative time had zoomed out in drastic proportions. I also realised I was vibrating very very strongly and burning up, badly. By touch and crawling, I made it to the shower, wrapped a towel around me and turned it on full cold, which was bliss, and the disorientation decreased very strongly. I could integrate some of what I could see – it didn’t make any sense at all but those were clearly my hands waving around, just mega-distorted. After a while I crawled back out of the shower, wrapped in the wet towel and after several ‘Hey Siri’ attempts got an answer, and asked Siri to call a very dependable friend. I told her I needed help, right now and she showed shortly after. After much fussing about, and being scolded, we decided that hospitalisation was not necessary, a cup of hot tea might be nice and perhaps, would I mind putting on some clothes dear, which I’d clear forgotten about - what a trooper.

Took another two hours for normality to reassert itself enough to see that my lounge room was completely trashed. She made sure I was fine and left. Two hours later, back to baseline, and now not long after that I’m typing this up.

I have signs of serotonin syndrome, however I’m unsure if that’s what’s happened. My pulse is now back to its norm and my eyes are no longer completely lidded (she said it was all just total pupil) and beyond a little remaining bodyload I feel fine.

But oh man – what a fucking trip. I’ve never, ever, not once experienced anything like that, not on LSD (I’ve done 1600ug, which was unpleasant but nothing like this), not on Mescaline, not on any other NBOH, and not DMT. And retained it all as it was. I lived through centuries in the diddly-donk – a fully realised pocket universe with its own rules and principles – and I certainly can feel it.

This will take some time, some meditation, and some prolonged abstinence from anything, for me to process.
This will take some time, some meditation, and some prolonged abstinence from anything, for me to process.

0:00 Drop 4mg, sublingual
+0:20 Come up coming on hard. Try music
+0:25 Realise now this is going into uncharted waters, kill the music
+0:30? Level 8B
+0:40? Yeeted to the diddly-donk
+3:15? Returned from the void
+3:22 Made distress call
+4:35 Much improved
+7:00 Back to baseline, more or less

Wrap Up
25E certainly does have some legs on it, and then some. Bad side effects – wish I’d had taken the opportunity to wire myself but was not expecting that – I have a fabricobbled biosensor array but mainly use it when messing with RC combos – oxyimetry, temp (anal), EEG and ECG. Don’t muss with this one like I did.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114995
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Dec 5, 2020Views: 2,566
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25E-NBOH (890) : Alone (16), General (1)

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