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Nice to Meet You My Name Is Harmaline
Harmaline, Cannabis & Tobacco
Citation:   Bjlly. "Nice to Meet You My Name Is Harmaline: An Experience with Harmaline, Cannabis & Tobacco (exp115060)". Jan 13, 2021.

T+ 0:00
  oral SSRIs  
  T+ 15:00 100 mg sublingual Harmaline (freebase)
  T+ 15:15   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 15:55 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 16:12 5 - 10 mg smoked Harmaline (freebase)
My intention is to experiment with individual Harmala alkaloids in an effort to understand their subjective effects without the entourage present and the ultimate end goal of a fully inhibited metabolism of psilocin. I won't go into detail on psilocin metabolic inhibition as that is beyond the scope of this experience report but to put it simply, that is my end game.

For this experience I excitedly tore asunder my newly received package containing crystal Harmaline, Harmine and THH all in pure crystal freebase form packaged nicely by an online vendor (the harmine splinters sparkly beautifully).

I had read extensively that harmine and harmaline have qualitatively different effects and I want to be familiar with both before employing them as a potentiator.

T+0) Today the dose is roughly 100mg Harmaline FB sublingually for five minutes before swallowing and rinsing my mouth with a small cup of cranberry juice (utg inhibitor I believe as a side note). Empty stomach otherwise. Mid day (on vacation), relaxed, hungry, excited. Taste is fine, mildly bitter not as bad as expecting. After five minutes under tongue/swishing in my gums I swallow, grab a drink of juice and go for a smoke in the bitter cold.

T+10) Smoking a cigarette I'm the cold I notice it feels slightly better than my third smoke of the day should, more like my first smoke, mild body pleasantness.

T+15) Decide to smoke half a joint of good Cannabis (31% THC .3% CBD). Decide to only smoke a quarter of the joint probably .3-.4 grams. A lot of times if I smoke weed before eating and I'm smoking cigarettes I get really jittery which is why I erred towards less.

T+20) ZERO JITTERS I feel super baseline, completely level even though I just smoked weed (I'm a long term heavy user and even though smoking generally makes me feel baseline, the first time I smoke for the day usually at night makes me feel high). My anxiety and restless indolence is completely non existent I NEVER feel this way even when I'm feel really good.

T+50) My body feels good, sort of the relaxed pulsating energy feeling I get from stretching and rolling over and going back to sleep, or mixing amphetamines and cannabis (which I haven't done for 10+ years) or the feeling of doing really good meditation when I can feel it in my body or the body high I get from a large 300mg+ dose of THC orally. Yet I don't feel 'high' at all... Just generally good and pretty flat emotionally.
I don't feel 'high' at all... Just generally good and pretty flat emotionally.

T+55) Going for another cigarette I kind of want to smoke the joint but I feel like that would make me lazier than I want to be today (need to go get my mushies from my guy).

T+72) Ended up putting about 5-10mg of Harmaline in my cigarette and I don't know how much of it I got but I did get a body rush from the cigarette akin to the first smoke of the day. Potentially caused by increase in dopamine? I'm not sure if acetylcholine or nicotine are oxidized by MAOs ... VERY HUNGRY but not accompanied by the usual constant nausea I get.

From this point on the difference from baseline is so hard to measure as the effects are subtle... To be completely honest I felt more "normal" before taking the Harmaline than before and when I say normal I mean what I think normal should feel like, calm yet alert, attentive but not distractible... I should note that I am at the end of a taper for an SSRI. My last dose (sub medical taper dosage) was about 15 hours before taking the MAOi... The half life of my medication is about 24 hours meaning I still have about about 3/4s of my dose and any built up metabolites thought hopefully low due to my taper process.

I want to be clear mixing SSRIs and MAOi such as Harmala alkaloids can potentially induce serotonin syndrome which is DANGEROUS full stop. RIMAs such as Harmaline and Harmine are more forgiving regarding dietary restrictions than non reversible MAOi but care should still be taken when mixing with many substances.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 115060
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jan 13, 2021Views: 1,413
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Harmaline (314), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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