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I Took 2 Gummies With No Real Expectations
Cannabis ('delta-8-THC' Edible)
Citation:   f22dof. "I Took 2 Gummies With No Real Expectations: An Experience with Cannabis ('delta-8-THC' Edible) (exp115229)". Mar 6, 2021.

2 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
An Experience With Delta 8

The covid-19 pandemic brought me many firsts, I first tried cannabis for the first time, albeit in a tea/coffee form. The experience was very interesting and it kept me coming back to try more to experience the full effects. While effective I found the prep time to be too lengthy.

One day while scrolling through the internet I found a video talking about a supposedly legal alternative to cannabis, that being delta 8, one number shy of the delta 9 I had already tried. I didn’t believe it, but I looked it up found a website and ordered away, it was sketchy to say the least but I was surprised when I actually got the delta 8 products I had ordered. I purchased blackberry flavored gummies, at a strength of 20mg per gummy. I had read that delta 8 was psychoactive but without as much punch as your standard delta 9.

I took 2 gummies with no real expectations for them to work. 1 hour passed and nothing, 2 hours in and I was convinced it wouldn’t work. Slowly but surely I felt it creep up on me, it wasn’t unlike regular edibles, in fact the come up was very similar if not identical.
I felt it creep up on me, it wasn’t unlike regular edibles, in fact the come up was very similar if not identical.
Where the differences started for me was my mindset at the moment. Regular edibles would cause me to have many inward thoughts, almost as if I was trapped in my head. I found delta 8 to feel less head oriented and more of a body high. I didn’t feel dull and felt more grounded on delta 8, although that’s not to say that the intoxicating effects weren’t fully present. I found it very easy to get lost and have a good time. I had read that delta 8 was more relaxing and not as prone to causing potential paranoia. The results more or less accurate, while at times I found myself getting worked up it was easy to relax and forget any worries that came to me. This differed from Delta 9 in that delta 9 would cause me more anxiety and it was hard to calm down, at least for me that’s the case.

Visually delta 8 would occasionally cause some skewed wobbly visuals. While there was no crazy visuals like seeing things, I found that if I thought of something I would perceive it very clearly in my mind, while of course not getting any actual visuals. Music sounded great on delta 8 but it sounds just as good on delta 9. I was listening to some soothing music and it felt very encompassing, almost as if I was listening to it live. Body wise I felt a heaviness, not enough to keep me glued anywhere but enough for me to easily sink into my bed and relax. I could also seemingly perceive any cold or warm sensations more vividly then if I was sober. The typical dry mouth and redness in the eyes was still present and so was the hunger, although for me delta 8 made me a lot hungrier then delta 9 ever did. There was some mild euphoria that I experienced, combined with the more relaxing qualities of delta 8, it made for a good time. Overall it was a pleasant experience, the more subtle qualities of delta 8 made combined with the ease of purchase made it a favorite in my book.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115229
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 6, 2021Views: 15,255
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