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Utter Bliss and Happiness
Citation:   Ant00n. "Utter Bliss and Happiness: An Experience with 2C-B (exp115378)". Jun 7, 2021.

  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  26 mg oral 2C-B
It was a friday night an my girlfriend an I had some drinks. We both got texted by the same dealer with a list of merchandise at the same time. Looking through the available drugs my girlfriend suggested 2C-B. She had done it once before a few years prior. I'd quit all my psychoactive substances after a bad experience when I was sixteen, but hey; when in love... I was in a good mood and with this girl I'm up for anything. The guy was at my place in 10 minutes. We bought 5 pills.

We had dinner and were drinking wine. I forgot we put some buttered potatoes in the oven for dinner and the whole kitchen/livingroom was filled with smoke and smell of burned charcoaled potatoes. After I clean up the mess we retreat to the bathroom for a bath and here we decided to ingest a pill each. After about 20 minutes the bath was too warm and I suggested we get out before the stuff kicks in. I was thinking about overheating, blood pressure, whatever in combination with this drug and don't want to be in the tub while tripping.

I'm out of the bath in the bathroom and a bit of nausea sets in. The edges of everything start to wobble in a familiar trippy way. I take a piss, try to puke, unsuccessfully, and return to the bathroom staring in the mirror with my girlfriend. She's making fun of me, telling me I'm a lightweight and she doenst feel anything. This lasts for about 2 minutes and I see her face change and she's tripping as well.

We retreat to the bedroom and relax on the bed. We put some music on, Bonobo, perfect for tripping. I'm seeing familiar patterns on the walls, ceiling and blankets. There is perception problem with depth and structure of fabrics and walls emerging. I'm calm and let it come over me. We are having some conversation and get real horny. The high is getting more and more and while we are having sex it feels like my head is going to explode! My girl points out the fact that I'm banging my head against the wall slightly while having sex with her. This might explain the exploding head feeling! ;-)

Time is going really slow. We close our eyes and listen to music and drift for miles. The music is tribal and takes me to forgotten worlds where large groups of people gather around in a spiritual circle of light going up towards the universe. I'm spectating, floating, drifting from world to world. I go to a terraced lush green world where waterfalls flow and I feel profoundly connected to everything. All the time me and my girl are laying in bed and holding hands. Squeezing when we return to earth for a minute before taking off again. The trip comes in waves. When my eyes are closed I take off, feel my mind detached of reality, going with the flow. When my eyes are open, I'm back in my room, looking at my girl. We talk about the living room, where the smell and smoke house (burned potatoes!). Its like another world. We're stuck in this part of the house. The world outside the windows, where the 'curfew' exists (Covid-19) feels like space, like a vacuum. I imagine I can open my balcony door and drift of into the night (I wont, dont worry!) Every once in a while we high five each other and my girl keeps repeating: '5 bucks! This is awesome' before we drift back into our minds. I love it, her, the world, myself. Life is good. I have a sense my mind is still attached to my physical brain with a thread, trying to cut this last string, until this also severs and I'm floating of into the universe.

I haven't checked the time, but we've listened to 3 albums of Bonobo on Spotify, so about 180 mins. I'm starting to come back into my body. The total detachment starts to fade and I feel the limitations of a body. I'm no teen, so I start to notice the small things that ache and hurt like they always do. The sore back of desk work, I really should take better care of my teeth, man, am I 39 already? I still drift into visuals when I close my eyes. I see farms (I recently took a job related to agriculture) and the world attached to these farms. They are more then just companies. They supply us with the basics of life and have been for thousands of years. I feel respect and fear. Did I give the people I work with the respect they deserve?

All effects have faded. I'm tired and want to sleep. We cuddle up and fall asleep. The next morning there is no residual hangover. I feel energetic and happy.

I've come to a few conclusions; I love this girl next to me, I got renewed respect for the people I work with, I'm not afraid of psychadelics anymore, Bonobo is an awesome band for tripping!

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115378
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: Jun 7, 2021Views: 939
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2C-B (52) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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