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Frightening Journey Into a Fairytale
2C-B & LSD
Citation:   bistush. "Frightening Journey Into a Fairytale: An Experience with 2C-B & LSD (exp115387)". Apr 27, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 15 mg rectal 2C-B (liquid)
Setting: Couple’s weekend in a peaceful hut at the middle of a forest, celebrating my spouse’s birthday. We have enjoyed 2C-B and LSD on occasions before but this time we decided to combine both, and take a different route of administration. First we took a blotter (around 100ug) each and after feeling the effect we added the 2C-B.

T+0:00 we took a blotter of LSD

T+1:00 we dissolved about 30mg of 2C-B (HCL) in roughly 2ml of water, divided between two syringes and I administered my partner first, and then he administered me both rectally. I immediately lost consciousness and for roughly 2.5 next hours was lying on the bed, unable to fully control my body or communicate. My partner reports that I had what might have been seizures. My limbs were banging at the bed uncontrollably. I wanted it to stop but otherwise felt OK.

T+3:30 (~12AM) I was able to climb out of bed. We went outside to the hot tub and spent a few hours inside. Everything from that point on was marvelous. I had closed and open eye visuals. Light tracers. Flying objects that might have been real bugs but seemed taken out of a fairy tale. The water felt so nice to the touch. My partner was relieved to know I’m OK and very much enjoying the experience

T:7:00 The effects start to wear off and we headed to sleep.

Overall it is a very positive experience that I had to share and wanted to sit down and write for a long time. I recommend being careful when mixing strong psychedelics. The synergy was wonderful but the road there was rocky. Going by rectal administration requires one to be more careful with dosage. I’d start with one third (~5mg) and not mix with LSD the first time one tries this.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 115387
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: Apr 27, 2021Views: 797
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2C-B (52), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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