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Mild Night Breathing
Blue Lotus
Citation:   Francis. "Mild Night Breathing: An Experience with Blue Lotus (exp115710)". Jul 27, 2023.

1 capsl oral Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (tar / resin)
On August 16, around midnight I finally managed to get real visuals from blue lotus. I've tried smoking and doing all kinds of things with the resin, but only taken orally stuffed into 00 sized gel capsules could I call it a very mild, but real, trip.

(~11:00 pm) After packing the first capsule with as much of the sticky and stubborn resin as I could, I swallowed it with some juice. 30 minutes after I packed another capsule managing to get more in but still not even close to completely full I took the second capsule.

(~12:20 am) I first noticed effects over an hour later from the first capsule. There was a strong feeling of relaxation and contempt leaned back at my computer playing games or watching youtube. Around the same time I didn't get quite the same flowing visuals as LSD, but I could focus on one thing and everything else in the background would expand and contract like it was breathing. As soon as I looked at the moving patterns on my wall or desk they would stop.

(~12:40 am) The visuals and feeling of calmness were in full effect. I got in bed and did my best to unfocus my eyes from everything. Parts of the banner with small details and patterns started to flow, the ceiling felt like it was moving closer and further to me, in fact everything did. The walls looking as if they were going to keep expanding and squeeze me didn’t feel dangerous or hostile at all, seeing them move was still calming. Music was amazing.
The walls looking as if they were going to keep expanding and squeeze me didn’t feel dangerous or hostile at all, seeing them move was still calming. Music was amazing.

For the rest of the night after the strong feeling of relaxation stayed with me, and the visuals faded but not so much they were difficult to see. I fell asleep before sunrise and dreams seemed more real and detailed than ever. They all felt connected like a part of a single story.

(August 17) The day after I felt awake enough to go about regularly and even get some time in skating. Coming home after physical activities left me more exhausted than ever, getting into bed felt better than it ever has. I could still see paint on my walls flowing and spinning if I unfocused my eyes. Taking more the night of the 17th produced similar results, but left me more tired and fatigued in the day.

(~11:00 am, the 17th) I had slept after skating early in the morning, dreams seemed even more real than before. I would wake up into another dream and it was night outside, and I wandered around my house in a dream, until I woke back up around ~1 pm, relieved it was still day and I hadn't wasted the day.

(2:20 am, August 19) As of writing this and having not taken anything else since, I still feel like I can tap back into the visuals. If I look at my walls or a towel long enough they will start breathing again. All attempts before this were smoking the resin with dab pen, and it only produced subtle visuals and a mild feeling of relaxation.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115710
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 27, 2023Views: 370
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105) : Alone (16), Multi-Day Experience (13), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Music Discussion (22), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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