Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
A Hellish Mistake
Cannabis - High THC (extract)
Citation:   Kernel76. "A Hellish Mistake: An Experience with Cannabis - High THC (extract) (exp115786)". Oct 4, 2021.

  repeated vaporized Cannabis - High THC (extract)
      Lisdexamfetamine (daily)
Remember when those dank vape carts and other similar ones were making headlines? Unfortunately, I ended up with two of them. I purchased them online as I do with marijuana but was inexperienced buying carts. Well, I really shouldn’t have dabbled with them because eventually I wound up with these two fake carts.

What exactly I smoked, I cannot be sure of, but I know it was synthetic. From the moment I opened them, I was highly suspicious of them. A friend of mine who works for a medical marijuana doc advised me against vaping them and said they were most certainly fakes. Did I listen? Of course not because I am an idiot.

The first thing I noticed was the distinct taste of lemon. I thought “ok, that’s not good.” Doesn’t matter what strain of weed I’ve smoked, none of them have tasted like anything else besides weed. The second thing I noticed was the chemical aftertaste in my mouth. That’s when I knew I had fucked up. That was all within a second or two because the next thing I realize is that I am alarmingly high from whatever I just vaped. I had taken maybe 1-2 decent sized hits max and thank God I didn’t take any more hits at that time. My THC tolerance at the time was thru the roof. I had been smoking daily for years with virtually no tolerance break and had been dabbing for the past year prior to this experience, so I was shocked by how high I felt.

How to explain… it was somewhat similar to what one would feel taking a large dab with a low tolerance for THC but only for a couple minutes. Then things got weird.

At the time, I was temporarily disabled and had a bunch of weird diseases and was generally in poor health. Weed was my medicine to escape the pain of my disorders and diseases (luckily, most are gone now). So imagine my surprise when I find myself galloping across my house at high speed. I had a massive surge of energy, but nothing reminiscent of weed nor of stimulants (I have been prescribed vyvanse, adderall, and concerta, and was on vyvanse at the time). I felt like I was wigged out simultaneously. It just didn’t feel natural.

After galavanting around my house with little to no thoughts going through my brain, I got into my bed. That’s when things got bad. My body started twitching uncontrollably and it absolutely felt like I had taken a dirty chemical. My body just felt all wrong. My brain felt the same way. My thoughts were rapid and illogical but they were fleeting. I can honestly say I have no memory of what I was thinking at the time but it felt reminiscent to the end of a bad LSD trip in a way. I recall googling and reading of experiences and felt a sense of “I’ve really done it now.” I felt as if I had permanently damaged my body and mind. I couldn’t move an inch the entire time either. It’s as if I was glued to the bed due to the negative effects on my body. I tried to move a limb and it just didn’t work well. It felt extremely filthy in my system and I truly thought I had done permanent damage. I felt my nervous system was the most affected.

Here is the worst bit though… I wanted more after it began to fade. I thought it was only supposed to last like 30 min but I didn’t come down for 3 hrs! Once I did that’s when I took another hit. And another. And another. It felt similar to before but less intense so like the idiot I am, I took another hit. The next 3 hours were very similar to the first and I have no recollection of any of it. The one thing I know for sure is that my body felt heavy and I was completely unable to function, move, or do anything remotely productive. Even though I felt energetic. It’s so hard to explain but there was certainly a combo of energy and lethargy, existing as one.

Did I vape more? Of course I did. Maybe about 3 more times over the next couple days. Finally I realized it’s pseudo allure for what it was and stopped for good. I have only smoked regular cannabis since then. I still have the carts. Part of me wants to send them in for testing/research purposes. But the other part of me wants to take another hit. I should probably toss them. I hope I do.

Exp Year: 2019ExpID: 115786
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 4, 2021Views: 2,540
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Cannabis - High THC (598) : Alone (16), Multi-Day Experience (13), What Was in That? (26), Difficult Experiences (5)

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