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Poetic Dissociation
DXM & Cannabis
Citation:   Ray Trapper. "Poetic Dissociation: An Experience with DXM & Cannabis (exp115969)". Jan 11, 2022.

T+ 0:00
180 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 3:15 1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
I had done DXM about four times before this and I always took 120mg and had a few enjoyable trips and one less then.

This night I wanted to take a higher dose and even see how weed affected the experience. At about 7:20 pm I drank 180mg and waited. It hit around 7:40 pm and I was launched into the dissociative effects of the substance. It felt as if my soul was drooping out of my back and a light fog fell over me. This was followed by music enhancement, general euphoria, and lots of giggling. I was talking to my friends on discord at the time and stayed relatively coherent except I was laughing even while trying to convey serious concepts.

At some point, I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. Walking over to it the ground felt squishy under my feet. As I stared at myself in the mirror, I saw the person looking into the mirror, but I was neither him nor the person in the mirror. I was back at my computer during the peek at about 9:30 pm I wrote some poetry. Up to this point, I was somewhat lucid but now I felt fully in a fog. When I focused on writing or talking, I was fine but the second I spaced out I existed in a perpetual state of fog.
When I focused on writing or talking, I was fine but the second I spaced out I existed in a perpetual state of fog.
This was the experience of being in between the regular universe and one where you can peer into the normal one from a third-person view.

At about 10:35 pm I was coming down and decided to go smoke a small joint. I grabbed my weed and went on a walk to the park. I smoked on this windy night while continuing to talk with my friends on discord. After a few hits, I felt calm and enjoyable wakefulness. All the fog was gone. At this point, I assumed I was just high and that the DXM had faded. As I continued smoking, I began to experience delusions. I saw a tree that’s leaves blowing made it look like it was covered in black fire. I was also too scared to walk the trail at the park because I thought people would jump out of the woods and kill me. I had a self-awareness where I knew those things were delusions but, I still acted as if they were true.

As I finished smoking, I headed home feeling very focused and wakeful but, I didn’t feel as if I was dissociating still. However, as I got to my apartment, I saw people talking on the second floor. As I saw this group I realized how “out there” I really was. After smoking, I had crossed over the veil and was viewing the world from a third-person perspective. Getting into my house I talked to my friends on discord more. I then went back and edited my first poem before writing a second one. While writing I was really homed in and very focused. I was also very emotional as one of my friends told me how she felt like I was a big brother for her and that almost brought me to tears.

By about 1:00 am the high had worn off. I was tired and headed to bed. The shift between tripping and coming down was instant and not gradual. This was a truly fascinating trip and though I wouldn’t try it again the feeling of being wakeful and outside of reality was definitely enjoyable.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115969
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 11, 2022Views: 430
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DXM (22), Cannabis (1) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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