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Not a Usual High
Cannabis & Hashish
Citation:   JackDan. "Not a Usual High: An Experience with Cannabis & Hashish (exp116079)". Apr 30, 2022.

200 mg smoked Cannabis - Hash
  200 mg smoked Cannabis
Five days ago I decided to smoke a joint to end my day as I usually do before going to sleep. I made up this joint with cannabis and a little bit of hashish. I have been regularly smoking since 2017 and in these years I’ve noticed that I’m pretty sensitive to drugs in general (I’ve only tried cannabis, hashish, psylocibe shrooms microdosing and alcohol if you will). I’ve also noticed that a peak in sensitivity to drugs varies from time to time and seems to appear randomly throughout the year, sometimes in the months preceding the summer, sometimes in january/february; I don’t know if it has a correlation with something but I believe that for me it strongly depends on the set and settings (light, temperature, if I’m in good company, if I can smoke without worries or not, if I really like the place and so on…).

So, I smoked my joint out in the balcony (it was really cold btw) and it took about half an hour. I didn’t feel any different high, nothing special or different from the usual, then I went back inside my house to get ready to go to sleep. I headed to the bathroom to wash my teeth. The room was only illuminated by my phone flashlight so the atmosphere was kinda dreamy, I really started to appreciate the mood and the illumination and at some point the joint really kicked in….the situation didn’t seem real anymore, as if I was exploring another dimension despite still being rooted to the place where I was. It was pleasant though because I felt very lightheaded and I was really enjoying my high.

Then I went to the living room to lay a bit on the couch, still feeling very high; I kept all the lights off to not ruin the dreamy state I was experiencing, only the wifi device light was on and it produced a very soft lighting. I started wondering about a lot of things, my head was full of thoughts and the thought process itself was quite fast; all of sudden a question came to my head and it was: “what if it is all a dream?”… so I started thinking and thinking again, putting myself in the perspective that I was really living a dream also taking advantage of the low light, usually present in a good half of my dreams. I did this on purpose to create an even deeper sensation of light-headness because it was really really pleasant, mentally and physically speaking.

At a certain point I noticed that I was wondering so much about if it was a dream or not that for very brief periods of time (3-4 seconds) I couldn’t tell if I was really dreaming or not.
I was wondering so much about if it was a dream or not that for very brief periods of time (3-4 seconds) I couldn’t tell if I was really dreaming or not.
This was really mind blowing because I could really experience the full sensations of “living/exploring another dimension”.

Then I got up and headed to the kitchen to eat something before finally going to sleep. At this point about 50 minutes had already passed since I lit my joint. I kept my phone flashlight on but pointed toward the ceiling so the illumination was low. As I was eating, I was staring at the floor, still thinking and suddenly I realized that it seemed that I was seeing some kind of mild static pattern printed on the floor that disappeared as I looked away. The pattern did not have any particular color and I can’t really define what shape it had but I could see it, it was not moving. It was cool. Surely not common, it was the first time I saw a pattern while under the influence of weed.

After that I went to bed where I found, after about 10 minutes I was there, that I was too high to fall asleep and the sensation was not pleasant at all, not so many thoughts but my head was spinning quite a lot. Eventually I calmed down and fell asleep within another 15 minutes.

Definitely a high that I don’t usually experience; I really don’t think the substance I smoked was laced with something strange; I already noticed in the past that a different, more intense high generally hits me when I smoke for example hashish for the first time again after using only weed for at least a week or two; same thing if I use a water pipe instead of a regular joint, after about the same period of time.

No medications and no supplements were being taken at the time of the experience.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116079
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 30, 2022Views: 416
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Cannabis (1), Cannabis - Hash (93) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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