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Aztec Breakthrough
DMT & Hash
Citation:   xipetotec. "Aztec Breakthrough: An Experience with DMT & Hash (exp116110)". Erowid.org. Feb 16, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116110

  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
    smoked Cannabis - Hash  
  1 hit smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
Aztec DMT Breakthrough

I had wanted to try DMT for a while, but always felt it would be an experience I would have later in life.

Background: I had some experience with psychedelics before this experience, I'm a usual cannabis smoker (hash & weed) experimented with LSD a few times in differing quantities (never had visuals besides things "breathing", tried MDMA a few times, some of them being somewhat psychedelic (having visuals, such as people going yellow, and appearing to have glasses).

The day: it was a normal unsuspecting day, I went to work and after work had a couple beers with a co-worker before heading to the beach to have some reflection time, even though it was a rainy day. While on the way from the pub to the beach, I had my first car accident (lost control, drifted across four lanes, luckily didn't hit any car and only wrecked my wheels and the rear of the car), I believe this experience left me in shock for a while.

I didn't feel ready to go home so I called my uncle. He picked me off where the insurance's cab had left me and took me over to his place. I started to come down from my state of shock, smoking some hash with him, I told him this was the day I wanted to take DMT.

Soon the preparations began. Ambiance music was put on, a bit of palo santo was lit, and both my uncle and I started meditating. I soon got startled by the idea of taking DMT, after all I had read about it, I knew it could be a life-changing event, and I guess I was scared of this. I tried dealing with my hyperventilation as best as I could, my heart-rate must've been over the roof as well.My uncle announced that the time had come and I braced myself for whatever was coming by putting my conviction in stone, regardless of what I was feeling.

The pipe was ready with a dose of powder DMT. I put the pipe in my lips and my uncle held it along with the lighter. As he started burning the DMT, I focused my sight on the end of the pipe, looking at the DMT burning into the allumnium foil of the pipe. My eyes started closing, only being able to see the light radiating from the lighter.

(From here, my memory is not completely clear, this was a map-out of the experience I made after I came down from what I could re-call)

As my eyes close completely, the light that came from the pipe turned grey. The grey soon started to form a geometrical fractal structure that was moving, the moving continued and the grey started gaining other colors.

While in the "kaleidoscope" figures straight out of precolumbian meso-american cultures appeared, incredibly similar to the toltec warriors of Tula (I was never really interested in these cultures, so that really amazed me). For a little bit this show of colours and images amazed me, they soon consolidated into orange, brown and blue and the rotation stopped. The three colors got together as lines and began drawing something.

Suddenly, there was a perspective change within the three colors, as if my POV was moving, this was when I realised that this would not be a 2D trip. From the three colors, a building started getting formed. Two towers with a gate in the middle, the towers were orange and the gate was brown, I could see what seemed like a garden of green and blue further away. Once again, my perspective moved to look in between the two towers towards the gate.

From the gate came a red entity that received me and immediately brought me inside. As I got inside, I can recall that I was amazed at the striking beauty of everything. This red entity showed me around their "garden", we could speak through some sort of telepathy. I don't recall exactly what we talked about, as if my brain categorized this as a dream, but as I was shown around this beautiful place, my life-long questions about the universe, our meaning to be here, and the inner-workings of the "life-machine" were answered. This was the peak of the trip.

After the peak, it seemed as if I had left the wonderful garden and was left with the red entity, face to face. I could speak to him using my hands, moving my fingers as we telepathically talked, opening my hands brought more light and closing them made everything darker. I started getting nervous with the conversation we had, for some reason, and at some point adjusted my position (I was sitting down with my legs crossed, meditation-like). As soon as I adjusted my position it seemed as if the red entity went away. I opened my eyes and still could see the colors overlapping reality.

This was my first, and until now, the last breakthrough on DMT.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 116110
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 16, 2022Views: 612
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DMT (18) : Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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