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All in All, Nothing Special
Citation:   amberdream. "All in All, Nothing Special: An Experience with GBL (exp116354)". May 21, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1.3 g oral GBL (liquid)
  T+ 0:40 1 g oral GBL (liquid)
  T+ 1:12 2 g oral GBL (liquid)
  T+ 1:26 0.9 g oral GBL (liquid)
  T+ 1:56 2 g oral GBL (liquid)
GBL – Roofie yourself.

I am currently in a phase of polytox life and experimentation, and thus the 99 % GC pure oxolan-2-one ampoules I ignored for years seemed like a valid option to deal with the frustration of another drug precursor oiling out terribly, being resistant at my repeated tries of recrystallisation. I didn’t write much during the experience, and there is not much more to add after the fact. The intoxication of GBL seems relatively simplistic in nature and is characteristic for a GABAergic and pretty consistent with the effects of ethanol and tert-pentanol, the two other drugs of this class I have tried. Ethanol I pretty much stopped consuming. Back when I was drinking, I would usually drink myself right at the limit of barely not vomitting (or sometimes vomitting) and then call it a day. When this limit was reached with fewer and fewer drinks and I noticed that the rausch is not of much interest and value anymore, I simply stopped. I have recently tried again after years of curiosity, and a single drink in a bar brings me to a level I deem almost too intense to handle. The tert-pentanol I have only tried in low dosages, but it struck me as a more clear-headed cleaner version of ethanol.

Doses were made with a scale accurate to 1 mg, but I simply didn’t take care of the last digit and it shouldn’t matter too much.

I didn’t really take much notes during the experience, but the time stamps were aligned to a pretty accurate chatlog with a friend with which I was corresponding during the experience. Due to the massive amount of redosing, their usefulness is a bit limited.

19:50 T+0:00 consumption of 1.30 g GBL. A bit of bitterness, but the orange juice does a solid job of covering it up.
20:00 T+0:10 some barely pronounced easyness – perhaps the level of ¼ 0.5 L beer bottle… I notice that there is something going on, but if I was assaying an entirely new compound, I’d chalk this up to placebo and not nearly a threshold!
20:11 T+0:21 a bit of tingling in the fingers, concentration a bit decreased
T+0:21 a bit of tingling in the fingers, concentration a bit decreased

20:22 T+0:32 I discuss the possibility of redosing with a friend experienced in GABA-ergics. He urges me to not add another 1 g on top, but also figures that worst-case I’d sleep.

20:30 T+0:40 re-dosed with 1.00 g GBL. If the dose-response curve is anything like EtOH, I figure this won’t do much either.
20:33 T+0:43 something is coming, a bit? But not much more either.
20:40 T+0:50 went to shower, perhaps a bit warmer, but nothing much. All of this still feels like barely threshold.

21:02 T+1:12 Added another 2.00 g GBL to the mix.
21:05 T+1:15 Legs are heavy now. Now this is more like it. Trying out dancing a bit, appreciation of loud music on my earphones heightened, DnB playlist kicks hard.

21:16 T+1:26 Decided to add the rest of the ampoule, 0.90 g.
21:20 T+1:30 Heavily drunk, sense of balance impaired. I’m a bit worried about not being able to climb the stairs or passing out on them.
21:22 T+1:32 A bit sad (lightly pissed off) that my friends are outside drinking while I’m not in the city. I wouldn’t be drinking with them, but would enjoy the company regardless. Legs feel extremely heavy.
21:30 T+1:40 I’m horny and try to find pornography that appeals to me, which takes about 10 min. Usually, masturbation is just an act of desiring an urge and I settle with the first acceptable option that gets the job done. This time, it takes about 10 min to find something suitable.
21:40 T+1:50 Found the good porn, but now I think it would be nice to sustain the current state and even heighten it a bit. So the stupid decision to crack open another ampoule to weigh another 2.00 g is made.

21:46 T+1:56 Dosed the 2.00 g. Orange juice is now empty. Welp. As I’m already only barely able to walk, this seems like an incredibly stupid decision in hindsight.
21:52 T+2:02 I tell my friend that this is probably the most dumbest thing I’ve done in a while, but that I will be fine and “know what I’m doing”… As if.
21:55 T+2:05 I begin to scramble to get my couch bed together. I just want to go to bed, so I’m very annoyed that fitted sheet is barely elastic enough to hold onto the couch. I finely manage and go to brush my teeth. This can’t be called walking anymore, but is rather free of accidents regardless. I have a slight urge to vomit, but no need to actually do so.
21:57 T+2:07 Falling into bed, extremely drunk. Extremely cuddly.
22:00 T+2:10 I have the urge to tell everyone about this amazing feeling, but am wise enough to not do it.

Probably some 10 min later, I pass out in heavy sleep. I think I woke up like 1:00 AM still heavily impaired, but glad that there is no vomit next to me. Fuck that was dangerous, I think. I didn’t even take care of putting myself to sleep in a stable lateral position, but luckily I sleep on my stomach which reduces the risk of the most stupid cause of death a bit.

4:30 Awake again, feeling quite good, except some very slight hangover, equivalent to what I would feel after like 1 – 1.5 beers in the evening. More like the feeling that you know that you drank something the day prior, hard to explain.

5:30 After not really being able to get back to sleep, I get up feeling quite refreshed, like a very proper night of sleep which I often not get due to staying up late and having to get up early. I do some lab work.

Advantage of roofie-ing myself at 22:00 - I can force myself to sleep early and get shit done in the morning. Disadvantage of roofie-ing myself at 22:00 - I roofied myself.

In hindsight, it was extremely stupid to re-dose so compulsively, especially the 2 g at the end were entirely irresponsible. I don’t think I will try GBL again. I am not really scared of it, but that state is just not of interest to me. Don’t get me wrong, in hindsight I think 2.5 g of GBL in a single dose would bring me to a nice and physiologically safe level of intoxication with no need to redose, but I was also very shocked at my irresponsible behaviour of redosing, just to elevate the state a bit more. The intoxication did feel like being extremely drunk, but I associated it with less of a feeling of toxicness. All in all, nothing special. Drunkenness, impaired sense of balance, euphoria, dangerous urge of redosing.
All in all, nothing special. Drunkenness, impaired sense of balance, euphoria, dangerous urge of redosing.
I don’t really get the people that say it’s a unique form of intoxication not comparable to EtOH. It pretty much is, even if they feel a bit different.

I think this drug is extremely dangerous and addictive to people which are appealed by an alcohol intoxication, and I’m lucky that I’m not in that kind of group. One bucket list item off the list (i.e. roofie yourself) and one drug more experienced. Was it worth it? Not really.

I don’t weigh much and have like zero tolerance to GABAergics. I’d consider everything except the last dosage of 2.00 g I took as still quite responsible and safe given the level I was at at the current time.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116354
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: May 21, 2022Views: 972
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GBL (89) : Alone (16), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), General (1)

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