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New and Familiar Friends
LSD, Alcohol & Ketamine
by C
Citation:   C. "New and Familiar Friends: An Experience with LSD, Alcohol & Ketamine (exp116369)". Sep 26, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (gel tab)
  T+ 0:00   repeated oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:00   repeated insufflated Ketamine  
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 12:00 177 mg insufflated Ketamine  
Around 4pm wife and I wake up and grab some food and chill out. Its been a great weekend so far. We're already excited about the night we had planned for us. Really the only plan is that we are having some much needed reconnecting time. This is my favorite time in life honestly.

Around 7pm we get ready to leave and we choose our drugs, I take one hit of LSD. They're blue and gold pyramids. She chooses mushrooms for herself and I think that'll be a fun little experiment. See how we both interact and enjoy each-other on two very different psychedelics.

8pm we're at the bar and there's a show tonight to our surprise. I'm already starting to feel a bit buzzy. I feel like my thoughts are starting to get racy and it seems like my breath is starting to get shaky. I play darts and have a beer, trying to power through this sort of rush.

At about 10pm I'm definitely having a hard time staying still, I'm going outside to smoke a lot but lights and colors are starting to change. FInally the headliner is performing and I go take a seat. I listen intently to the music and let the mans art speak to me. It's great! This was kind of the turning point for my trip. Probably because I did some bumps of ketamine in the bathroom to chill myself out.

Midnight after the show is over, I'm several bourbons and beers in, 4 bumps of ketamine (they're about 0.025g each) and I'm finally feeling social as hell. Outside is a bunch of people that all know my wife and some know me. I meet the ones that don't and we're just sitting in a circle having an enthralling revolving conversation. By this point I've noticed anything that I focus on moves a little bit, maybe little swirls, icons on my phone are pulsating and moving playfully but not unbearably. It just fun, no way else to put it. Everything was fun and amazing.

Around 2am it's still the same vibe, but even more so. I'm laughing and joking with new friends and my soul mate. Colors looks amazing and I snap a few candid pics of my wife to just observe. We start comparing our trips and shes just having a blast with the mushrooms and I'm so happy that she's feeling just as good it seems.

Ok so its 4am and we got a lyft home. Vibe is still amazing, we eat and watch some show that shes been wanting me to see all day. At some point we're full and make our way to the bedroom. Honestly this is where everything gets amazing for me because not just sexually, in bed with them is my absolute most comfortable and free feeling. Obviously we have sex and it's amazing but the time before and after is just what life is all about. I'm still slightly tripping, I can tell because the icons on the Roku tv are still bouncy and moving.

About 7am we're exhausted and just wanting to sleep. At this point I go to my own bedroom because that's just how we sleep best. I decided to weigh out the rest of my ketamine and its 0.177g, I think, oh this would be a great intramuscular dose and I'll k-hole and listen to some dope ass music with my AirPod Pros (theyre fucking amazing btw) and just chill in my bed.

I take this IM dose of ketamine and start setting up my space, it starts coming on a lot faster than I had anticipated (I've done this before), so I hurry up and get my music going and lay down. I have no idea how much longer later but I felt as if I had died, I kind of freak the hell out and pluck the airpods from my ears and look at them as if they're some weird scientific instrument implanted in me. I stand up in a panic because idk what I am anymore and I think I've broken my brain.

I somehow manage to make my way into her bedroom, I remember it being extremely exhausting and difficult. I kind of weep to her about how I'm tripping too hard and I need her touch. She's half asleep and assures me I'm fine and I start to just sink into the bed and realize I'm ok.

I think about 20 min later I get up and am just like holy shit that's embarrassing what just happened. I've spent the last several hours kind of analyzing that experience and putting it into words.

Its 9am now and I feel fine now.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116369
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Sep 26, 2022Views: 311
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LSD (2), Ketamine (31), Alcohol (61) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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