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Down the Rabbit Hole
TMA-2 & 5-MeO-DMT
Citation:   Twinkle. "Down the Rabbit Hole: An Experience with TMA-2 & 5-MeO-DMT (exp116495)". Erowid.org. Jul 13, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116495

T+ 0:00
37 mg oral TMA-2 (capsule)
  T+ 1:00 33 mg oral TMA-2 (capsule)
  T+ 2:50 6 mg smoked 5-MeO-DMT  
  T+ 10:00 30 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I am alone in my apartment on a warm summer night. I have quite the experience with substances, but this should be unique. I skin test one milligram or so, followed by an oral dose of the same size. About half an hour later I decide to take a full dosage; accounting for the tolerance I have built up to psychedelics. I have been micro-dosing LSD with the last dose being 38ug about a day ago. I measure out 37mg of TMA-2 into a capsule and prepare.

**[t+00:00]** I orally dose 37mg of TMA-2 at 9pm. As I wait for effects to manifest I clean my apartment some and eat a snack. I am filled with excitement but also feel some anxiety as I am home alone trying a new substance. I am feeling pretty hungry after the snack, so I think I will eat some more soon.

**[t+00:20]** I grabbed some ice cream. I do not want to upset my system too much so I eat at a slow pace. I notice some drifting letters on my screen and areas that were first black now seem blue. There is an onset of physical euphoria, and I experience music as more pleasant than usual. Effects remain mild.

**[t+00:30]** I zone out here and there and notice disorganisation in my thought patterns. The physical euphoria starts to feel more sensual and lewd, I feel stimulated yet lethargic.

**[t+00:30]** A pulsing feeling takes presence in my head and it physically feels like the brain is emanating a non-particular kind of radiation. I am nodding some and surfaces look like they have a three-dimensional texture to them.

**[t+01:00]** By this point I think I can dose more as I have quite the tolerance to stimulants and some to psychedelics. Feeling mostly the same and more social than usual, I spend my time talking to people online. I measure out more TMA-2 and orally dose 33mg as the clock strikes ten.

**[t+01:30]** I write out some thoughts I have related to struggles in life, the introspection is there and allows me to self-reflect. I feel quite warm so I keep note of my hydration.

**[t+02:00]** I notice a sudden shift in energy. My eyes shake, physical feelings accelerate and my thoughts become strangely hollow and take on a psychedelic nature. The ego dissolves some and I can feel the music enhance my euphoric state. Writing becomes more difficult as my mind gets played by the substance. My handwriting becomes messier with each word I write down.

**[t+02:30]** My perception of time seems to be affected as I am surprised to find only thirty minutes have passed since last entry for what felt like two hours. Reading is a challenge, typing happens on auto-pilot, and I am self-analysing how I am constructing sentences and applying grammar. Extreme attention to detail up to the point thought loops form and I am drawn into it. Visuals are different than what I am used to. Things seem off in size, my keyboard is much larger than my hands and it feels impossible to type on yet I still can. This perspective flips back and worth and gives me a kind of spinning feeling of my world pulsing around me. Techno is enslaving and I listen to "Rikhter - Phiom Enhah", it induces mild fear in a good way. I am taking a break from typing this report because of the intensity. I wonder what I will feel like by the time the clock strikes midnight.

**[t+02:40]** Psychotic symptoms start to appear, although I do not care for the things I am seeing. Misinterpretation of objects in my peripheral vision but things seem to linger once I look at them.

**[t+02:50]** I have a lack of inhibition and decide to smoke 6mg of 5-MeO-DMT
I have a lack of inhibition and decide to smoke 6mg of 5-MeO-DMT
. I experience ego death whilst entering a state of psychosis. I have no memory of the fifteen minutes that follow. The entries after this point are constructed from my initial messy notes.

**[t+03:05]** I feel a strong sense of not being alone in my own apartment and upon moving rooms I find a humanoid statue, or at least I believed I did so. I was perplexed by the bizarre object in my living room and it captivated my mind. Thought loops started to take more dominance and I lost track of time. More psychotic symptoms popped up for a while, mostly auditory, I could not stop hearing music and dissonant whispering after turning the volume to zero. A sense of restless paranoia filled me but I felt euphoric and was in a psychedelic state of mind. I let myself go to closed eyed visuals for some time and made sure to enjoy the experience.

**[t+05:00]** Alice in Wonderland syndrome in full, insightful and fascinating but overall quite an unpleasant experience. The legs seemed to take on an impossible size by feeling, yet visually they seemed to shrink. My head was off as well. I could not place meaning with how my fingers operated. These effects remained with me for the three hours after that. I move to bed and rest some, bringing food and water.

**[t+08:00]** My body feels like its not real and I experience disconnection from the self. The substance feels cosmic and I feel like a falling star. It is terrifying.

**[t+09:00]** Morning. The psychedelic sensation seems to drop off. Effects lessen, stimulation follows the same pattern a while later. Illness catches me by surprise as I start coming down. I spend my time laying down in pain and agony while browsing and chatting to people using my phone. It keeps getting worse, and the psychotic symptoms lessen but do not pass.

**[t+10:00]** I realise I am withdrawing from another substance, MDPHP, which is one of the reasons I dosed this substance to begin with. So far it seems to take the edge off the withdrawal and I feel sick but stable. I figure a low-dose of ketamine would be beneficial for situations like these and I end up snorting a 30mg line. Symptoms start improving after this and the experience seems manageable. I am a tad miserable but start feeling better bit by bit as I rest.

**[t+13:30]** I feel less ill, but my body needs to recover and I am not feeling well yet. I have the feeling I am drunk but at the same time sick, I take the day off and rest.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116495
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jul 13, 2022Views: 702
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TMA-2 (112), 5-MeO-DMT (58) : Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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