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Not Sure if It's a Good Thing or a Bad Thing
Phenylalanine, Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   YoungTripper. "Not Sure if It's a Good Thing or a Bad Thing: An Experience with Phenylalanine, Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp116523)". Jul 29, 2022.

T+ 0:00
600 mg oral Phenylalanine (capsule)
  T+ 0:10 1.4 g oral Mushrooms  
  T+ 1:00 2 bowls smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 7:00 3 bowls smoked Cannabis  
Mushrooms With a Touch of Phenylalanine

I know this is not pure phenethylamine, but another substance maybe closely related called DLPA. Probably nowhere near as potent, but my mushroom trips always been lasting short, so I was thinking a lot of different ways to enhance the trip and hopefully extend the length, but I don't know what's really possible. A lot of people swear by Syrian Rue but I didn't have it, don't know where to buy it, and hear it can make you feel pretty sick. I was trying different supplements in my cabinet like Tryptophan, 5 HTP, St John's Wort etc; but didn't have much luck so far. I saw this one called DLPA, looked it up, says it is very cognitive enhancing stuff and works toward the dopamine and norepinephrine, I decided on giving it a try. Took no more than the 600 mg included in one capsule.

T+ 0:10
Later, I decide on taking the mushrooms. This is when I notice some slight energy yet focus and a little euphoria from the DLPA. I dose roughly 1.4 g of pretty potent cubensis mushrooms. This is when I wait.

T+ 0:30
What I can say so far about DLPA is that it is gives somewhat of a caffeine like edge, but not at all jittery, more sharp and focused.

The mushrooms start kicking in. This is when I decide to smoke some bong hits. I got a few good bowls of my typical assorted strains I smoke daily, primarily indica, I took a lot of hits (high tolerance), and everything started getting really intense immediately.

Currently I'm doing what I usually do, relaxing on the couch, even with a lot of thoughts, colors are bright, things are cool to look at as they glisten.

T+ 3:00
Things are getting interesting. Getting hard to type. May have to wait this out.

T+ 5:00
Still a lot going on, but this is a very euphoric trip, sure is potent for only 1.4. Maybe DLPA did something, weed, I don't know or maybe its just an unusually potent batch of mushrooms.
Maybe DLPA did something, weed, I don't know or maybe its just an unusually potent batch of mushrooms.

Getting slightly more subtle but still tripping a lot. I try to smoke some more bowls to calm down. Getting late.

It is the next day and the trip for the most part wore off, and I am very clearheaded. Not sure if DLPA is a good thing or a bad thing, may try it again may not, I don't know but this was a very nice experience regardless.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116523
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jul 29, 2022Views: 473
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Cannabis (1), Mushrooms (39), Phenylalanine (445) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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