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Finding Spirits And Myself
3-MeO-PCE & Cannabis
Citation:   Lause. "Finding Spirits And Myself: An Experience with 3-MeO-PCE & Cannabis (exp116614)". Erowid.org. Sep 24, 2022. erowid.org/exp/116614

15 mg insufflated 3-MEO-PCE (powder / crystals)
  4 - 5 hits smoked Cannabis  
Disclaimer: While for us this combination was very light and overall good, it could have easily gone wrong. Be extremely careful when combining drugs, especially research chemicals; know the risk!

I had long sought to experience a full psychedelic state, I experimented with LSD and 2C-B but even on my highest dose (300mcg of LSD) I lacked the spiritual feeling that I was looking for so badly. I just kept on questioning myself on the why and how of things, without actually getting anywhere. But this time, it happened. Completely accidentally, none of us was prepared.

Anyway, all of that changed on a warm summer evening where I was sitting at a garden table with two of my closest friends, we recently got into research chemicals (RCs) and I had already tried the MeO we would be taking together at home. Before taking it I read a little about it, it was supposed to have psychedelic properties, which I did not take any notice of on my first dose (roughly 16mg). One of the friends who was with us also took it with me at a party, where we had very mild hallucinations, we saw patterns on the ceiling. Back in the garden: We snorted a good 15mg each and after having the usual awful taste and feeling in our throats we started feeling the onset, for me 3-MeO-PCE is always very dizzy and dark. I feel disconnected from the world, my instincts take over my mind, like an animal.

A little while before I acquired some marihuana in the Netherlands, a strain called “Amnesia” which supposedly consists of 80% sativa and 20% indica. I have never felt much from smoking weed, but I always enjoyed the smell and taste of it. About an hour or so into our MeO trip someone had the idea to hit the bong. We all fully knew the way weed can potentiate psychedelic substances, I had been privately trying to potentiate my LSD with weed, but never succeeded and at some point I was almost convinced that it didn’t actually work like that. Only a few minutes after putting the bong down I started feeling calm, very, very heavy and relaxed. I thought we would all just fall asleep now, so I put on a song I thought might be trippy. I did it as a joke, not because I knew about what was about to go on.

I put on Denmark from Psychedelic Porn Crumpets. With the first few moments we all closed our eyes, utterly overwhelmed by the feelings that this combination induced. But instead of the dull static I usually have before and behind my eyes on 3-MeO-PCE, a lightshow began. I saw golden yellow colours, bright pictures, patterns. I felt spirits talking to me and sharing their feelings with mine. I felt lightheaded, but ultimately all-knowing. I saw the rise and fall of mankind, realizing that full intelligence comes with full instinct, and that that meant that all the animals around us are superior, and have at one point been more intelligent than us, that we will be the only animals around once the wheel turned again.

Now, this is just a small selection of the things I felt and saw, I surely know not to believe everything I have seen that day, but in the moment I thought it all to be true. The song ended and I was able to open my eyes again, what I saw with opened eyes looked like my 300mcg LSD trip, I was in awe of everything around me. And most importantly, I opened the door to my spiritual self. I saw myself with two spirits, a red and a grey one. They look like mere clouds of smoke, but I felt as if they were really there with me. And they stuck around, even now I can feel their presence, like someone breathing behind me. Not in a scary way however, it’s more a soothing feeling of knowing someone’s looking out for me.

After opening our eyes, we were quietly looking at each other, one of my friends still had their eyes closed and laid on the table, she was affected by the effects much, much longer than me and my other friend present. We all saw and felt incredible things on this day. We went higher and further than ever before, and I would call myself an experienced psychonaut already.


I should also add, that I am someone who prepares for things like this. I take weeks to prepare myself for trips, making sure I am physically and mentally able to take on anything. With this trip, I was completely unprepared. Anything could have happened, with an onset this fast and strong, I was turned inside out, I was naked in front of my subconscious mind.

The combination of 3-MeO-PCE and cannabis, is nothing to be taken lightly. We have so far done this combination three times, mixing with 4-AcO-MET the last two times as a “base-psychedelic” to further enhance the effect.

I think it is important to put at least this experience out there, for us it was a happy accident, but for others this might become a nightmare.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116614
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 24, 2022Views: 342
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3-MEO-PCE (536), Cannabis (1) : Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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