Reflection on a Trainwreck
by D.
Citation:   D. . "Reflection on a Trainwreck: An Experience with LSD (exp116626)". Sep 28, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00 1 hit oral LSD (pill / tablet)
This is a report and reflection on an LSD experience that was significant [17 years ago].

My friend's uncle was on vacation. My friend was house sitting for them. It was a very affluent area of Southern California with very large homes. So, naturally we decided to trip there.

We had 10 microdots from Amsterdam origin. I had taken some before so I knew they were fairly strong. We set the setting very well. We had some pretty trippy films like Koyaansquatsi, and other arty films, which in hindsight maybe were too much of downers.

18:00 We each take a dose and let the ride begin. It all started well enough. Of course there were some weird things that happened like a giant toad showing up on the porch (In this area that is completely unheard of, we'd all lived our entire lives without seeing one). We watch some of the movies, they weird us out a little, but we're still hanging in there well. After about 5 hours when I know I've peaked I take another dose around 2300-2400. My two friends don't and think I'm too bold for doing so. Everybody was at about a +3.

We pass the next 5-6 hours tripping like normal from a +2.5 to +3.5 level. No big deal. Then the sun starts to rise around 0600, two of us try to go to sleep, and everything goes to hell.

My friend (I'll call him Henry) loses it. Right as my other friend (I'll call him Jimmy) and I go to sleep in separate places, Henry begins to really go into a bad place. He goes outside to the parking circle fountain and starts saying the devil is trying to get him. He won't stop. Everything he sees is somehow now demonic.

Jimmy is too tired to deal with it and ignores everything and I'm still tripping fairly strong from my second dose. I was about a +2.5. It was up to me to help Henry get through this. As time goes on, he just gets worse. He starts trying to call anyone he can for help, including 911. I'm a babysitter at this point, exhausted, but doing what I can to keep track of this now psychotic friend.

He continually goes for the phone, which is starting to freak me out since I don't want to go to prison (I'm on probation at the time). He tries to call his mom. He tries to call his long estranged dad to resolve things. He obviously tries to call 911 for help. Nightmare situation. Finally I get him to calm down by eating some fruit. "It's natural. It will help you. It helps your body and mind be pure." I have to sell anything I can to calm him down. In hindsight, we really should have had some trip enders/ diazepam or something, but we were all very experienced and didn't think anyone would go to the dark side
we were all very experienced and didn't think anyone would go to the dark side

So finally he calms down a little, and I go off to sleep after pulling all the phones I could find and taking them with me (before cell phones). Next thing I know there are about 10 police cars racing up the highway towards the house (the house was on a hill, and you could see the approach from a ways out). I immediately freak out thinking Henry has somehow called the cops. It was a small community and this was Sunday morning. They had no reason to be there except Henry. I try to get into the attic to hide, but I can't reach. I accept my fate as going to prison. The cars race by without turning into the subdivision. It was totally surreal.

At this point with my adrenaline racing, I'm now equally as awake as Henry, who is still freaking out. We banter back and forth for a little while and he announces he has to go to a church- it's the only place he'll be safe. I say F that, I can't drive and it's a stupid idea. I try to wake Jimmy who is now completely out and won't move. Henry is getting more agitated and after the cop scare, I just want it all to end.

Jimmy drove us all there in an old Honda Accord completely with torn seats and rust coloration. I found his keys and Henry and I went off looking for a church, with no idea where one was. If the story seems strange, it's about to get stranger.

So, after driving randomly, we finally find a church. I don't care if it's Buddhist, Islam, or whatever. I just have to get Henry inside so he'll calm down. Turns out what I found was a Southern Baptist Church. We're in a predominantly African American neighborhood.

So, two white boys, dressed, looking, and smelling as if they've been up for 24 hours roll into the middle of a Hallelujah praise Jesus kind of sermon. Henry, now the egotistical jerk I've come to loath, has to sit up front. We walk past everyone and sit in the third row. At first, it's fine.

Then Henry starts to speak, forgetting where we are. He talks far too loudly and is using curse words. People gasp. This continues while I try again to calm him down. Finally the sermon ends and I rush to the preacher. I explain my friend took drugs and thinks the devil is trying to get him. Basically I am begging him to help. As one of the greatest acts I've ever seen, the preacher obliges.

Henry and the preacher go into his office and talk things out. I went to the car to sleep for about an hour. I don't know what exactly they said, but Henry came out clear headed and lucid. Henry had been tripping since 6th or 7th grade. He'd never had a bad trip until that day. I don't know where he is or if he went back, but at least for the next few years none of us did acid.

The point in all this is, LSD is unpredictable. If you are going to do it, expect the unexpected and please prepare accordingly. I have no idea how a single dot could have caused such a prolonged negative effective. It was really one of the worst experiences, if not most interesting, of my life.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 116626
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Sep 28, 2022Views: 459
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Guides / Sitters (39), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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