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Unexpected Dissociation
4-AcO-MET & Cannabis
Citation:   tvojemama. "Unexpected Dissociation: An Experience with 4-AcO-MET & Cannabis (exp116859)". Dec 26, 2022.

0.6 g smoked Cannabis
  9 mg rectal 4-AcO-MET
Some time ago I experienced the most profound dissociative hole on combination of high dose weed and 18 mg 4-HO-EPT. It was crazy. I was fascinated by deepness of that state, induced by such a low dose. One of the two most profound experiences of my life. I decided to try combo of cannabis and low dose 4-HO/AcO-xxT again to see if this combination produce that extreme unexpected dissociation consistently.

My past experiences with halucinogens include DOM, 1P-LSD, 4-HO-EPT, 4-HO-MiPT, 4-HO-MET, 4-AcO-MET, MXiPr, DCK, 2F-DCK, salvia divinorum. It’s worth noticing that my reaction to cannabis seems to be, in some aspects, different from others and my tolerance was probably negligible, as I don’t smoke weed more than once in two weeks.

22:15 I started smoking 0,6 g of lower potency weed using pipe. My lighter wasn't working, so it took long time.

T: 0
I finally finished smoking and went back to my room, feeling comfortably stoned. I boofed 9 mg of 4-AcO-MET at 22:50. Than I was watching interview with politician.

T: +15 min.
It took something like 15-20 minutes before I started noticing, that there was something else than weed on my mind. I was expecting faster onset, but it was first time boofing this drug.

I went to bed with music in my headphones and when I closed my eyes it felt like a strong dissociative trip with weed. It was beautiful deep dissociation which I love on arylcyclohexamines. In intensity I would compare it to 100 mg 2F-DCK in the same setting and in quality to N2O and weed. When I was trying I could fall into a state which I consider as a hole, however, I often started thinking about something and went back. In contrast to NMDA antagonists, in this case I could open my eyes and think pretty easily, so it was lots of short holes/subholes instead of one long one. Dissociation wasn‘t that much forced and it was rather mental than physical. After a while I turned the music off, because it was annoying me. In this state of disconnection I had somewhat psychedelic CEVs, but nothing strong nor colorful. As the intensity was decreasing my attention slowly shifted to overthinking philosophy (my favourite activity on psychs). When the effects were coming down I surprisingly met a psychedelic entity. This entity was part of every conscious thing in the universe and was connecting them. It seized control over my mind but than I defeated it and when I was back in my own mind I felt almost as strong as that entity. Weird. Then I was thinking about pantheism, freedom, certainty, if god has his own god and if I can be a god for some kind of microuniverse in my head. I should add that it all felt relatively calm and the presence of that entity wasn‘t intensive.

T: 1h, 40 min.
Around 00:30 I went on the toilet, I was functional and except mild patterns there wasn’t any visual change. I couldn’t sleep so I was watching youtube a little and thinking a lot. I tried to read but it was too difficult. Somewhere between 2:30 and 3:30 I finally started feeling tired and fall asleep.

I’m just excited that I found almost the perfect dissociative for me. Of course I will try this with different tryptamines to see which one is the best. On physical side I had no nausea and minimal dryness in mouth, also azomet was stimulating enough so I wasn’t tired. Mentally it was nice feeling of weed on my mind followed by strong cozy dissociation that slowly turned in mild psychedelia as effects of azomet were persisting and those of cannabis faded away.

4-HO/AcO-MET is the closest drug to weed from those I have tried. They synergised very well. Both of them were making me smile and both of them were strongly enhancing my imagination.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 116859
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 26, 2022Views: 311
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