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The Biggest and Best High of My Life!
Citation:   Japple. "The Biggest and Best High of My Life!: An Experience with Cannabis (exp11699)". Dec 18, 2020.

14 bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
After reading several reports, I decided that I would like to submit one, and since I'm sure not too many people would enjoy reading about the average high, I've decided to write about the highest I've ever been.

I began smoking weed about 2 years ago (I'm currently 17, and a senior in high school) at the rate of once a month. I greatly increased the frequency of smoking earlier this summer to about once or twice a week, which is where I am now. This story occurred in early October of this year, on a Friday night, and I had just obtained a quarter oz. of some pretty good shit for a reasonable price (50$), so I was happy.

I went straight to my friend's house after school, we'll call him C. C had also just received a quarter oz., leaving us a fat half between us. We had planned this day for some time, and were really excited to start. His parents had left for the weekend, leaving us with the house to ourselves. My other friend, B, who doesn't smoke, came over to chill with us. We loaded up the first bowl at 4:00 in C's glass pipe. We went onto his front porch and sat on the deck. It was a fat pack, and we each got 6 or 7 rips off it. I felt the first effects coming on as I packed the next bowl, and found myself smiling at the stupidest comments. I was at the state where I knew i was getting high. We proceeded packing and smoking in this fashion until we had smoked 4 bowls. I had already taken 20-25 rips and was absolutely blazed. It was 4:30 at this point.

We went back inside and started playing videogames (PS2) while eating pizza. I was amazed at how engrossed in the games I was, and found myself having no idea what time it was. I felt as if the videogames were the most interesting thing I'd ever taken part in. At this point, B told us it was 6, and that we had to leave if we wanted to make the soccer game. We agreed to go, and I called my mom to tell her where I was going. No one was home, and I left the absolute stupidest message, saying, 'Hi, I'm (my name)'. I realized the absurdity of the comment, and started laughing hysterically before finishing the message and hanging up. B informed me how bad the phone call was, and we left for the game, B drove.

I was still kinda giggly at this point, and my high was mostly just comedic. A normal high. When we got to the game, I was quickly bored with the soccer, and found myself wishing I had some music to listen to. I went back to B's car with C and we listened to some trance for 20 or 30 minutes. It was 7 o'clock. I was really enjoying the trance, and didn't want to leave his car. C and I talked about school and music, and I found the conversation extremely entertaining.

Finally, we met up with our friend P, who also smokes. C, P, and I agreed to leave the game and go back to C's house. We informed B, and left. We got there at 7:30, and I was almost completely sober again. We quickly solved that by smoking 3 more bowls out of P's glass piece. P got a call on his cell phone about an amazing party, and we left for that after eating more pizza. It was 8. In P's car, I was feeling wonderful, and we had some great conversation about what good friend's we all were, etc. Stuff we never would have said when we weren't high.

We got to the party at 8:15, and smoked a bowl in the driveway before heading in. Once in the party, we found out most the people were rolling on E, and extremely friendly. I was kinda uncomfortable about the people I didn't know. I had already taken about 45 hits (8 bowls) on the night, and I was feeling extremely high. We asked P if he wanted to smoke more, but he said he was cool, so C and I went to smoke more. We sat outside in chairs, and smoked four bowls. I couldn't believe how much we were smoking, and made this comment to C. We also talked about the beauty of the night, which had us laughing hysterically at our feminine comments.
We also talked about the beauty of the night, which had us laughing hysterically at our feminine comments.
It was 9:30 when we finished. My hit total was now upwards of 60, and I knew I was ridiculously high.

This is where it got amazing. I went back to the party, and found an empty bedroom with a computer. I listened to MP3's on the computer, mostly Notorius Thugs by bone and biggie. I laid back on the bed, and reached a new level of consciousness. I was experiencing waves of pleasure and I reflected on life. My thoughts now seem jumbled, but at the time they made perfect sense. It's hard to describe, but I felt so content. I was in there for what seemed an eternity listening to Bone, which turned out to be 2 hours. I can honestly say they were the best two hours of my life.

I'm shocked I never fell asleep, but I didn't. I just thought of all that I loved in the world, and how in the moment I could live. If I was chewing, I thought about chewing, and all it's intricacies. I began to appreciate all the stuff in our lives we never do, like the fact that all our cells and body parts work so well together. I also thought about how my body was a collection of atoms and molecules, which baffled me at the time.

C and P came in with someone else I didn't know, and we all chilled and listened to music while talking. C said he was also the most high he had ever been, and we decided to smoke another bowl. After smoking, I began to feel tired, as it was now 12. My high was still amazing, but not as intense as before. We left the party soon after, and went back to C's. P, C, and I smoked two more bowls at 1:30 with C's brother. I didn't feel any more high, it was almost as if it had no effect. I ate some ice cream, masturbated, and fell asleep in the guest bedroom at 2 AM. I must add this, the masturbation session felt absolutely amazing, and I felt like I was orgasming for hours.

That night, I experienced such nice dreams and thoughts. I woke up at 12:30, felt totally fine, and went home. In retrospect, it was my best high ever, and the two hours I was by myself thinking were truly inspiring and unbelievable.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11699
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 18, 2020Views: 766
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Cannabis (1) : Relationships (44), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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