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Slippery Streets
Citation:   wizard dro . "Slippery Streets: An Experience with Ketamine (exp117090)". Feb 12, 2024.

T+ 0:00
1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 1 glass oral Coffee  
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis  
I still can't put my finger on this one; the utter peculiarity and oddness of this substance have left me baffled. Unlike the baffling from other psychedelics such as lsd and shrooms, ketamine is a horse of its own breed.

I had recently acquired a fair share of some quality crystalyzed k, somewhat near 2gs. For the past couple of weeks I have been embarking upon an introspective journey through its mystical language.

I will describe my experience with a dose that was nowhere near what some call the k hole yet was more than enough to have psychological phenomena.

Before this time, I had only done a bump on a few occasions, these experiences lent themselves as a mellow relaxation yet with an underlying feeling of mysticism however, nothing I could ever expect when embarking upon a larger dose.

It was an average day, yet there was a subtle excitement in the air for some reason, I was sending my morning strolling the streets of mercer and Howard in lower manhattan, an area of keen enjoyment to my youth. I met up with a friend whom I will call Ray J, to my surprise, he had brought some K, and I was eager to indulge. We rolled up a heavy bomber of purple space cookies to spark up after we embarked. In utter swiftness and collection, we mustered up the courage to enter an elitist 5-star hotel and went straight to the lobby restrooms, once in a stall we cut up the largest line I'd seen of k in my short 21 yrs of life and I consumed without remorse, he did a line of similar magnitude.

Within minutes the awful taste begins to drip in the back of my throat, I find it to be bitter and chalky with the sourness of molly. To combat this awful taste we went to a starbucks and got coffees, in line I was just asking myself if I felt anything different, that classic come up anxiety u could say, with a final mucusy sniff I was able to get the remaining powder up my nose and as soon as I reached out for the coffee from the barista my world felt as if went into slow motion, one second sober and the next the starbucks turned into a spaceship where the gravity had shifted. We walked back on the street and I was submerged in a dream-like moon state where all we could say to one another was "HOLY FUCK, THIS IS SO WIERD< R WE WALKING RIGHT< ARE WE SLOW RN" this persisted for the next hour or so without the urge to smoke, that is coming from an all day every day toker.

IDK if the experience was too intense or I just wanted to see what the k had in store. We were just walking soaking everything in having different waves of feeling some times rich conversations about the overlap of cultures and the dynamics of our generation which came to us in utter clarity. There would be waves of intense nausea thinking I would be puking soon yet it would dissolve and I realized I was just thinking it was nausea but actually wasnt, my head space felt clear yet foggy at the same time unlike other psychedelics I had in the past. In complement to this headspace was the moon feeling where my perceptions and physical sensations felt like I was very drunk or off a opioid yet headspace clear like on a psych.

The experience lasted much longer than expected. We found ourselves at washing sq park 2 hours later still feeling as if we were in a different realm. The following hour after a smoke was a very smooth comedown with barely any negative side effects. If anything it allowed me to sort out some things emotionally which appeared to me in clarity after the experience.

Overall, although this experience was profound and left me wanting more although there were enough cons to make this substance more of a rare occurrence even though there is the pressure of wanting it often.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117090
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 12, 2024Views: 18
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Ketamine (31) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), General (1)

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