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Extremely Blissful High
Kava & Cannabis
Citation:   shreed. "Extremely Blissful High: An Experience with Kava & Cannabis (exp11796)". Dec 30, 2020.

Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  25 capsls oral Kava (liquid)
I am a fairly experienced drug user who has recently gained interest in the effects of legal and natural highs. I tried kava a couple of weeks ago and thought the effects to pretty interesting. It was pretty hard for me to believe that a little herb available at the grocery store for a couple of bucks could create these effects, so I decided to try it with a friend. We talked and he agreed to only if we could smoke a little bit of weed first just to get us started. We went and picked up a bottle of 50 capsules from our local grocery store. Then we went and smoked the weed, being the stoners we are we oversmoked and ended up getting pretty damn high.

I've noticed before that the effects are definitely more pronounced if the capsules are opened and put in a drink of some sort. So we went home and put 25 each in a glass of milk, we had to stir for hours to get it to mix, but it eventually became drinkable. Needless to say the mixture was extremely nasty but we put it down. We sat on his bed watching TV waiting for the effects to fully set in. The only way to describe what I felt was and extremely blissful high with an euphoria that is impossible to achieve with simple weed. I am a person with an overactive mind and this seemed to really settle me down.

I was sitting there and I realized that there is nothing wrong with my life. I am a completely normal person. It was almost the same type of euphoria I get with opiates but it felt more natural, my friend described his effects pretty much the same. We both said we liked it and are going to do it next time we smoke. It made me really calm but not sleepy.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11796
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 30, 2020Views: 1,126
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Cannabis (1), Kava (30) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3), General (1)

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