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Bad Trip in the Dam
Mushrooms, Bupropion & Cigarettes
by Hoke
Citation:   Hoke. "Bad Trip in the Dam: An Experience with Mushrooms, Bupropion & Cigarettes (exp12047)". Jan 4, 2021.

T+ 0:00
3 g oral Mushrooms - P. mexicana
  T+ 4:00 3 g oral Mushrooms - P. mexicana
Some friends and I rented an RV and drove to Amsterdam for a little break from school. We had been planning the trip for quite some time and had set aside an entire day/evening for tripping shrooms since they are legal there. I was on Zyban at the time to try to quit smoking, I don't know if there was an interaction or not, though. This was the fourth time I was in Amsterdam and the third time I'd done shrooms there. I find that small doses of shrooms hit me very hard, but had been working up from Mexican shrooms to the more potent varieties. I was sort of trying to push the line, I guess.

I decided to try a bag of dried glory caps. We had an RV parked in a camping grounds and decided to cook the shrooms into grilled cheeze sandwiches and play some Sinche (a card game from southern Indiana USA). After about twenty minutes I couldn't tell which way was up on the cards. I was with five people, and three of them (myself included) were tripping shrooms. I was tripping the glory caps pretty hard and the other two, who were newbies to tripping, claimed to not feel anything (they had taken fresh mexican cubies).

In about an hour I was tripping balls. I was supposed to be the guide for the trip (even though we had two sitters), but I started getting a little paranoid. I brushed it off and played with tracers from my cigs for a bit. Then all of us but Matt, who was tripping pretty good, decided to go for a walk down to a nearby river. About half way there, I started to feel very funny. I felt a bit off balance, and was breathing pretty hard. Everything started to hit me at once. I thought I had peaked already, but I was still coming up. The intensity rolled over me so hard I couldn't control it. We were sitting on a swing set next to the river talking, and I announced that we had to leave.

I decided in my psychotic head that Matt, the one we left behind, was freaking out by himself, which he could have been, and that it was an incredibly stupid idea leaving him alone in the RV for the start of his first trip, which it was. An unimaginable scenario was playing out in my head. I was imagining blood all over the lawn of the camping ground from the self-inflicted wound Matt must be by now. I figured I'd come back to a flaming RV and find all sorts of cops and see Matt running around screaming and naked. I all but ran back to the camper.

Along the way back to the camper (about a 6-7 minute walk), to my horror, my trip got even more intense. I was seeing tracers on everything bright or moving and it seemed to me that I was walking through a worm-hole in a star-trek movie. Everything was blurry if I walked. It was clear if I stopped. It was very dim and everything looked black and white and blocky. I think the dim lights played a big role in this, but things looked like a very low rez, badly shot home movie in the dark. The few people who were out seemed to be staring at me in horror (they weren't). I felt like I was swaying and breathing REALLY heavily (I wasn't). I had been walking fast, though. I had left all my friends way in the dust behind me. I was in the middle of the woods (well, not really, but it seemed like it) in the dark, and I felt totally lost, psychotic, and like I was about to get in a whole lot of trouble.

I actually did make it back to the camper just fine. When I got back, to my relief, I found Matt bundled up in a blanket sitting on the couch in the RV. The instant I opened the door to the camper, everything seemed to return to normal (well, if tripping that hard can be called normal.) Colors came back, the mosaic that I was seeing before turned into crystal reality. I felt at ease. I wasn't out of the clear, though.

Matt had a dazed look in his eyes, but looked normal. When I asked him how he was feeling (I felt like hugging him since he was still alive), he just shook his head and said that every minute that went by was another minute he wished it would be over. I freaked out. I was trying to control my panic, and apparently I looked fine and acted normal, but my mind was screaming. I couldn't find my smokes, which was a catastrophe. We only had Tool and System of a down and Aphex twin to listen to, and that wasn't improving my mood (I love those bands, but it was freaking me out.).

At some point in the night, I was convinced by one of my fellow trippers that I wasn't really tripping. That I was in the 'real' reality. I took her way too literally. I convinced myself that I REALLY wasn't tripping, and ate a whole extra bag of glory caps. They were on sale buy 4 get one free, and we had an extra (never keep more shrooms around then you want to take.. I learned that). I was in total nut house land after this. I breached the sanity line by about five miles.

Our sitters were sleeping in the loft of the camper, and I, on more than one occasion, lunged in to wake them because,'Matt was dying' or ,'someone's out side, we're in trouble!'. When I blinked my eyes, the world didn't disappear, it only transformed into this twisted nightmare world. Closing my eyes was the same as having them open, but scarier. Long after my tripping partners had gone to sleep, I was sitting up in my bed with no smokes being totally freaked out by the wind blowing on our awning.

I thought that people were outside to arrest us. Suddenly reality briefly came back to me as I REALLY heard someone outside. They were standing right next to my window. I jumped to my feet, and ran to the door, kicked it open and jumped outside without thinking. It was some German tourist pissing on our tire. I looked at him strangely, he said something to me about him being stoned and that he was sorry he was pissing on my tire. I speak German, but responded in English (it was all the same language at that time, I couldn't tell the difference) and made some sort of joke (I can't remember what it was). We both laughed and I had a moment of clarity.

Things weren't so terrible after all. I wasn't dying. I was just fine. I climbed back into the RV through the passenger's seat and was suddenly excited about getting back in and finding my smokes (I'd remembered where I'd put them) and playing with tracers. But, again, to my horror, when I slid the curtains back that were separating the drivers compartment and the back, I was hit in the face. Someone punched me! It was the girl I'd been tripping with! She'd woken up and was mad I'd left her.

'Scare me like that!' is all she said. I was back in my nightmare instantly. I forgot where my cigs were and I spent the rest of the night believing that I was actually dead. Believe it or not, being dead helped. I wasn't scared anymore
I spent the rest of the night believing that I was actually dead. Believe it or not, being dead helped. I wasn't scared anymore
, just disappointed that everything ended so abruptly and that my parents were going to find out that I'd died in Amsterdam on a drug overdose. I convinced myself that I died in a gutter in the Red Light district after I spent all of our money on Heroine from street dealers and Hookers, and that the cops had arrested my group. Sheer madness and terror. It seemed like eons had passed. I started to wander how much time had passed since I'd died. Centuries maybe? I decided not to worry about how my parents felt, because chances were by now they were dead too of old age. I went totally insane....

By the time the sun came up, I was pretty much down. I had tripped for upwards of nine hours. I think I took the second bag towards the end of my first peak, approx 4 hours after I ate the first of the shrooms. Crazy insanity the whole time. I haven't tripped since, and I'm a little scared to.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12047
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2021Views: 601
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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