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How to Have A Nice Time with Bhang Lassi
by VEC
Citation:   VEC. "How to Have A Nice Time with Bhang Lassi: An Experience with Cannabis (exp12239)". Nov 24, 2004.

0.5 oz oral Cannabis (liquid)
A few months ago I read about an Indian drink containing Marijuana called Bhang Lassi. I was talking to a friend from Bombay about it, and he got very excited and told me a recipe for it.

It was rather time consuming, but one night at around 8.00 I made it. I used half an ounce of Marijuana and was on an empty stomach. Before I drank it, I prepared my room for it. I consider Marijuana to be a spiritual thing for me, so I made it very comfortable on the floor and I put the radio on so it was white noise at a low sound.

It didn't taste too good, but I downed the large drink in no time. I had read and heard about very intense trips on Bhang Lassi, some horrible. I have been smoking and baking with Marijuana for about 3 years, but I have found that when it comes to eating it, the results are almost always intense and I can't expect the same thing.

Usually when I eat Marijuana, I know that after 20-40 minutes I will feel an increasing drymouth then after 15 minutes I will feel an intense high coming on. With the Bhang Lassi, it may have been 20 minutes, and it just hit me like a wave.

I was sitting up on my floor and just fell down. The white noise seemed much louder, and I could hear different sounds. It soon became a melody that I could slowly change when I concentrated on it. I tried to say something, and my mouth opened up and felt like it kept opening until it was about to swallow my head. I was a little nervous at first.

Things got even more intense after this. I was stuck to my floor and couldn't open my eyes. I felt totally paralyzed. Suddenly, it hit me. I hadn't been doing what I normally do when I trip out: I lost my discipline. I usually try to focus on my mind and ride it out, this time I was too freaked out to.

All of a sudden, I saw what was going on - literally. My body was like a rock, and I saw something floating like a balloon. My instincts told me that this balloon was my mind attached to my body. I discarded my body and cut the string.

Keep in mind this is all going on inside my mind, but I FELT as if I saw it. In fact until the trip was over I knew I was seeing it.

WOOSH. I felt my body sink down and my mind shoot forward. I was flying around everywhere - and I mean everywhere. I was thinking about how my mind is faster than the speed of light because I can think of being somewhere else and I am instantly there. I was flying around the cosmos and it was awesome!

Whenever I thought of my body, I was instantly shot back and felt very uncomfortable, like I was being smothered.

Soon these feelings drifted off and I passed out. The next morning I saw some writings in my notebook that were almost totally illegible.

I learned a lot from that trip and I hope everyone experiments with what I am about to say: RIDE THE WAVE WHEN YOU ARE HIGH. If you are scared it is because you are resisting. Forget about worries. A huge oak will fall from winds, but a reed won't because it bends with it. Do this, and every high will be an interesting and pleasurable trip!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12239
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2004Views: 18,023
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