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First Dance With Lysergia
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Louis Cypher. "First Dance With Lysergia: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp12366)". Feb 11, 2002.

6.5 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I was totally against everything when I was younger, then gradually tried things, first smoked a cigar, next drank some beer, then smoked pot. I gradually became accustomed to smoking and drinking (although I have never been addicted to tobacco nor have smoked it regularly) and began some research. I researched and found a website. I learned that Morning Glory seeds contained LSA, an LSD-like substance, and a very potent hallucinogen with a shamanic history.

I grabbed a few packets of MG from K-Mart or something. I read about other things also, and went out to a nursery. I looked for a salvia plant, I still knew little about salvia so what I had picked up was just a plain ol' plant. I did try a quid of it, quite nasty. Anyway I also picked up some more Morning Glory seeds.

When I arrived home around noonish, I put 10 packs (I have no clue what the grammage was) in a bowl and washed the seeds with water. I proceeded to call up some friends whom I thought were going to trip with me. Anyway my friend came over and refused to eat the seeds, saying they did nothing, because previously I had tried them in a very low dose with her, and I was the only one who experienced effects (perhaps due to never being exposed to lysergic acid). So I started munching on these little seeds, the flavor was not bad, and very eatable. Another friend came over and didn't eat them. I smoked a very small amount of a certain herb. I don't even think it did anything. I finished off most of the seeds (I would estimate 8 packets) and discarded the rest in my back yard.

My friends had to leave so I walked down the street then back home; I went in and flipped on VH1 (of all things!). A show on Metallica was playing, normally I dislike them, but for some reason this show was very amazing. I sat in awe for an hour. The show began something like an hour after I ingested the seeds. After the show I got a craving for some fruity sort of candy, so I walked down the street to the store. On the way there the trip began to manifest. I could see that every second was a moment in time and you can never live in the moment, because as soon as you think about it, it’s the past. It was quite odd, and then I began to hear the machines. My theory is that they are always there, the machines that make up reality, or something. They sounded like swishswishswshshsshshsh something odd like that. They would get faster, then slower. I was amazed. At first I thought it was construction but this sound was to be there for pretty much the duration of the trip although dominating it.

I arrived at the store picked out some candy that looked great, bought it, the clerk talked to me and it was total gibberish. Reminiscent of Fear and Loathing (I remember a certain scene where Johnny Depp experiences something like this). I began to walk towards a part of my town with more stores and stuff, don't know why. This was probably 2 1/2 hours after ingestion. I am not sure. I had to walk the sidewalk on a main road. Lots and lots of cars went by. I knew each person knew I was tripping, I was scared at first, then thought ITS LEGAL, but what about the other thing earlier, what if they have some high-tech test, what if its ILLEGAL TO HAVE IT IN YOUR SYSTEM. I brushed away these brief paranoid thoughts, and continued walking. I noticed every car sparkled in the distance, and I thought a lot were cop cars until they passed me.

I am not quite sure what I did next, but I know I went to a drugstore, I was in the candy aisle perched down looking at something. Some people walked by and they looked angelic, they were glowing and covered in an aura, they sparkled. Wow. I then went over and remembered reading about DXM and spent 10 minutes looking for what had DXM in it. I then bought some candy or drinks or something. Everything began to sort of breathe. If one has used those spinner-twirly-things that you stare at then look away to have distorted vision, it was like this but more intense. Transcluescent patterns were visible somewhat.

I left the store and walked back home. On the way I began to feel the effects more heavily. I took a short cut and stopped by a tree, I think I could smell or hear or something the green of the leaves. I remember they told us about this sense-mixing in grade school. Hah. I continued walking and began getting very in depth in my head. I saw everything there is and broke it down and down and down and down until two things were left. I kept ending up with two things. Good/Evil, Black/White, Up/Down, Yin/Yang. I think I also thought everything is nothing, nothing is everything. Without nothing there couldn't be everything, without everything there couldn't be nothing. I am not sure if it all broke down into one thing. I got home and remember going up to my attic and getting online. I talked to some people and looked at some websites.

Eventually I began to get hit hard. Very hard. I began to think I was invincible and was reborn each second, and that if I were to die, I would be reborn into the next second. Luckily I didn't act on this. At some point I was out of it for I don't know how long. I remember being out of my body, and in somewhere, very confused. I saw two me's one before drugs and one after, I didn't know which was real.

Around midnight I snapped out of it, reality felt boring. I felt like ughhhh, can't describe it, pretty much normal but kind of odd. Anyway I was naked for some reason and confused. I didn't know if I had a good experience or a bad one. I felt weird a little bit after this. Maybe a few days? Overall it was a very intense and unique experience, and I am not sure if I benefited from it as much as I could have, but I know it was different from anything else I had ever experienced. I wasn't eager to do it again, but somewhere along the line I did, and I did acid. I would be able to notice similar effect, similar things that would happen when tripping, all that is another story though.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 12366
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 11, 2002Views: 26,072
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Morning Glory (38) : Various (28), First Times (2)

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