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Wish I'd Flipped
Alcohol, LSD, Datura, & Cannabis
Citation:   Goose. "Wish I'd Flipped: An Experience with Alcohol, LSD, Datura, & Cannabis (exp12477)". Apr 7, 2002.

A friend of mine (P) got given some acid last week and so last night we all dropped. I was pretty stoked - it's not very often one get the chance to trip for free. In New Zealand (where I live) a tab generally cost around NZ$40... roughly US$20.

Anyway, we were all getting pissed and we dropped half a tab each. Then P took me and another friend B into his room, where he proceeded to pack a bowl of Datura (I'd never tried it before, said I never would!) So we smoked a few bowls and sat around for a bit. Nothing happening. Acid hadn't even kicked in yet. So P strained the rest of the Datura and makes some tea (which we decided tasted like oysters). By this stage the acid was kicking in and I was beginning to feel quite angsty. Eventually we smoked some pot (oil, as it were) and headed into town.

I can't say I remember a great deal more. I know we just walked around the whole time and were constantly losing B, who appeared to be having quite a bad trip. P on the other hand, seemed to be having the best trip of all of us since he couldn't shut up all night about how wasted he was. I was really just starting to feel good, but could already tell this wasn't going to be as good a trip as I'd have liked. As it turned out that was about all there was to it. I was quite disappointed with the acid (I've had trips 3 times as intense off half the dose) and the Datura didn't seem to be making a lot of difference. It would be interesting to revisit that night mind you, just to see if I was hallucinating at all (since you supposedly can't tell if you are).

Eventually P caught a taxi home and I caught a bus home at the disappointingly early time of 3am. B would have been on it but he couldn't afford the $5 fare and was apparently too wasted to even ask me if he could borrow it (I had no idea until the bus drove away and he was left standing on the street). God only knows what became of him that night. There were no more buses that's for sure. I on the other hand felt perfectly normal by this stage and was looking forward to going to bed. I noticed when I got home that my pupils were very dilated. I figured 'yeah, well I am still on acid technically'

This morning, however, I was a little taken aback when I noticed they were still dilated. And not only are they still dilated, but I'm feeling particularly WEIRD today. I can't focus on anything properly, I'm seeing double when I look at close objects, and I just have a general feeling of anxiety and 'somethingsnotquiterightness'. I'm not sure if I'm behaving normally at all which is a bit worrying since I'm staying at my folks' house. I hope to god they don't notice my eyes. Same goes for my workmates tomorrow.

Basically though, last night sucked. I didn't trip nearly as hard as I wanted. The Datura did nothing as far as I could tell and my best friend got stranded in town and by the way he was behaving I'm a little concerned for his wellbeing. Last night wasn't much of a trip but now I'm feeling utterly strange. I dread to think how I'd feel if I'd taken a decent dose.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12477
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 7, 2002Views: 34,116
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Datura (15), LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Combinations (3)

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