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Bad News While Rolling
by pimp
Citation:   pimp. "Bad News While Rolling: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp12588)". Jul 27, 2005.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
One night I decide to go over to a friend of a friend’s house. My friend is already there when I arrive and I had gave him the money earlier in the day to pick up a pill. I get there 5 minutes after they all had taken theirs and a hurry up and down mine with a gulp of water. I sit at the kitchen table for a while talking with friends and my cousin who I hadn’t seen for a while, then I get up and go to the living room and sat down.

I had only been there once before and I don’t know many of the people in the room so I am slightly nervous. The lights are off and the techno music is on. One guy in the middle of the room is raving with glow sticks like a mad man, I think its weird since my roll hadn’t come on yet but I just watched for a little bit. I start feeling funny about T+20mins I feel warm all over. The music starts to sound beautiful and usually I hate techno, all I can see of the glowsticks are green and pink trails of fire, but that wasn’t even the best part.

All my emotional barriers were crushed and for the first time in my life I felt like I could open up 100%.I approached Girls that I would never try to talk to normally, staying on the couch this whole time. (I wanted to talk to everyone so I figured it would be easier for me to talk to people if I just stayed on the couch because people would cycle on and off and it would be more efficient that way.) I met this girl that night that was a senior. (I was a sophomore). I had never talked to her before in my life but it felt like we connected on a deep level. We talked for over three hours about everything there is to talk about, she wasn’t on anything either so I know I was making sense. This is how the night went for about five hours. It was the greatest experience of my life, I made so many new friends and had a blast.

But everything changed about five hours after ingestion. Some guys came to the party from my school, they looked really gloomy and then I hear news that two of my classmates had died in a wreck earlier that night. This was the worst possible thing I could of heard at that time, and at that place, and in that state of mind. My sorrow was intensified 10 fold. I couldn’t believe it. I had just seen one of them earlier that day. I was sad but I knew I would be ok, I mean I knew him but he wasn’t really my friend or anything. After the initial shock of that news my roll completely stopped and I was normal again.

One of the other guys that was there was fairly close to those guys. I didn’t think so at first because he kept on acting exactly the same as he had, but about ten minutes later he started crying and went into another room. I knew he was sad but I thought he would be ok. But he started preaching to everyone, saying how drugs are horrible and not making any sense at all, he said he had talk to god and god told us to be good and stop being evil. He went completely nuts. He jumped on everyone if you said one word to him, he told us literally thousands of times how we were hearing him but not listening. He was starting to freak me out.

He wouldn’t shut up, he was like this for about 9 hours straight. He was acting so weird and crazy that I thought that he was actually normal and maybe I was nuts. I thought he was seriously mind-fucked and that he was gonna be that way for the rest of his life. I couldn’t sleep cause I didn’t know what he would do if he was up by himself. I was afraid he might hurt someone or himself. This thing that scared me the most was that he took the same thing I did and that was it. Believe me you never want to hear bad news when your rolling because it hella makes you sad especially someone that you know dying. I can only imagine how people that were really close to them were feeling when they were on X.

I hope his friend is ok. I mean hearing something like that when your on a drug like X has to be a horrifying experience I think he’s ok now I mean he seems normal but I’m still not quite sure. He says it was the X and the bad news all building up and just exploding. I haven’t rolled since then but I’m planning on doing it again. As long as I don’t hear any bad news I think it will be a positive experience.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12588
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 27, 2005Views: 15,939
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MDMA (3) : Difficult Experiences (5), Large Group (10+) (19)

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