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It Isn't All Harmless
Citation:   scarface. "It Isn't All Harmless: An Experience with Cannabis (exp12840)". Feb 2, 2005.

1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Let me start off by saying that I am a relatively frequent smoker, and yet I have never had such an experience such as this, and haven't had another since. Ok, I wasnt expecting anything unusual, just a nice hit of a bong with me and my brother, lets call him Dude, and then go outside to play basketball. We went into Dude's room, he got out the bong, packed a bowl, and he hit it first. Then he said, after coughing his lungs up, 'Damn, bro you need to hit this'. I said ok, and he passed me the lighter and slid me the bong. After I had hit, I felt like my chest was caving in and ran into the kitchen to get something to drink. On my way back, I noticed something was deffinently different about that, especially because I tripped over my dog(literaly, I have a dumb dog anyway though). I was back in his room in half a minute, and then it really hit me. My head started to spin, and I could barely hold my eyes open enough to see past my eyelashes. He asked me if I wanted to hit it again, but I said that he could go ahead and finish off the bowl. After that, he put on some music, Tool's Lateralus (that was a real smart idea).

At the first song, I noticed something horribly different about the song. I was very absorbed into the song, and I started having visualisations that made the songs meaning come to life almost. Ever sence then, I have been able to find the meaning of all of tool's songs. Dude then started to talk about other drugs he had done-lsd, shrooms. That really messed me up bad as hell. Everything he described, I had an almost perfect, vivid visual about. It made this smoke session almost like tripping because of that. Then I started getting very paranoid, thinking that our parents were going to come home early from work and the store (we are 19 and 21 at the time). There was something that I just couldnt get out of my head at the time, but I (even then) couldnt find out what it was.

As time went on, Dude went to go make something for us to eat. So there I was all alone in his filthy ass room (mine was too though) listening to very, very, very, very complex music playing. Even though the music was only about 1/4 of the way up, it sounded like it was on full blast. Then I started to feel Mary's full effects put upon me. I started to fully hallucinate. I had a out of body experience that I saw from about 10 yards behind me. I was walking down to the lake that is right down the street from my house. On the way there, it started to rain. The rain turned to fire, but I kept on walking. After the 10 second shower, the rain stopped and the wind started to blow. A leaf fell from the tree that was right above my head. One of the wider and flatter leaves turned to a axe blade and fell on me, cutting me in half vertically. I still didnt stop. Half of me walked down to the lake, and the other half went back to the house to check up on dude. Then Dude came back in the room with a pizza, and that snapped me out of it.

After we ate, I had to use the bathroom. I got in the bathroom, sat on the toillette, and started to look at an unopened package of angelsoft tp. I saw a tear form in the corner of the baby's eye, and then it started to run down its face. When it reached the bottom of its chin, the tear started to fall, but it pulled the skin of the baby's face with it. When the tear fell, I could see the muscles and the eyeballs of the baby starting to turn to dust, then blow away. Then the skeleton was all that was left. The skeleton raised its arms at me and jumped from the package. That made me wake up. I stood up, remembered that I forgot to use the bathroom, so I started to. Then after I was done, my stomache felt like it was turning inside out. I then had to puke. That worked out good, seing as I was already in the bathroom. Then I found myself on my bed, not remembering how I got there. I stared at the ceiling for a while, seeing all kinds of scary shit. I swear there is something evil in my room. Then someone knocked at my door. I wispered to my self 'holy shit, thats probbably mom!'. Then I got up and looked around my room and saw that my bro was in my room. He said 'no its not, its (my cousin, lets call him john) john. He got up and let john in. We all talked for a while, and then we went outside.

John lit up a blunt, and asked if I wanted to hit. Of course I said no, being in the shape I was in and all. I tried to play basketball to get it to wear off a little, and found out that I can whoop up on someone playing basketball when im high. After we got back in, Dude and John asked me how I was and I said its wearing off a little. From there on out, it was a normal high, except for the 2 week lasting paranoia of the outdoors, rain, the woods and darkness.

That's how it went that summer day. If anyone asks you if you want some kind bud, then I would recommend that if you say yes, wait untill you find out a little about it first, because I thought that it was mixed with something. You may think all of this happened because I cant handle it, but that isnt the case. I had been smoking very high quality bud since I was at least 16, maybe sooner. No one made any special preperations before smoking that, either. I wasnt taking any prescription drugs during that time either. Just remember, weed isn't all harmless, just for the most part.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12840
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2005Views: 6,826
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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