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Computer duster! (DON'T)
Computer duster copmpressed air
Citation:   Bacon. "Computer duster! (DON'T): An Experience with Computer duster copmpressed air (exp12935)". Mar 4, 2002.

5 hits inhaled Inhalants (gas)
First off, I've been on drug testing for 6 months, and looking for ways to get high. So I've been doing stuff WAY more dangerous than pot which I was put on drug testing for. Parents should keep this in mind if they're thinking of drug testing their kids.

Anyways...I remembered I had a can of this computer duster stuff, and tried it. I immediately got REAALY dizzy, INTENSELY Dizzy, and my voice sounded like it had been taped and the recording slowed down. Eveyrthing sounded really tinny, like a cheap reverb on a guitar amp. It lasted for about 2 minutes. It was mildly amusing. I did it a few more times just to see.

I wouldn't recomend it to anybody. The effects are NOT worth it, huffing is BAD. Go to the store and get morning glory seeds (oh how i love them) cause inhalents are fucking dangerous. Nothing super bad happened to me except a pain in my chest which is now gone, but seriously, DO NOT DO THIS!!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12935
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2002Views: 35,575
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Inhalants (29) : General (1), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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